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"Wake up!" A police officer yelled as he banged on the doors with a baton.

I sat up immediately, since I hadn't slept a wink. I got out of bed then walked towards the door.

I crossed my arms and waited for the guard to come let me out of the cell.

"Glad to see you survived the night, princess." He said as I clenched my jaw. "Mhmm." I mumbled as he unlocked the cell.

When I walked out into the hallway, there were a bunch of prisoners lined up.

Everyone on my side of the hallway was a female and everyone on the other side was a male.

I looked around for a second before I saw Colby standing down the hall a little bit.

Our eyes met and he breathed a sigh of relief, his face softening slightly.

I nodded then looked forwards as the guard stepped in front of me. "I think we're gonna have to pat you down." He said as another guard walked up.

"Why? You checked me last night." I said and glared at him.

"We think you're hiding something, bitch." He spat as I sighed and held my hands up.

The guard chuckled then ran his hands from my shoulders down to my breasts before he squeezed them causing me to gasp.

I looked over at Colby to his face filled with so much rage I thought he was going to explode.

I grimaced then closed my eyes as the guard "patted down" the rest of my body. "Alright, she's good." The guard said as the other guard chuckled.

"I might have to make sure for myself." He said then stepped in front of me. I felt my eyes stinging with tears as the other guard felt me up, too.

I felt so helpless as the tears trickled down my cheeks.

I could feel Colby's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head so I said a silent prayer that he wouldn't lose it and get himself into trouble.

I knew he was probably dying inside just as much as I was but neither of us could do anything about it.

"Oh yeah, she's great." The guard said as he pulled his hands from me.

As soon as they walked away I closed my eyes and looked down, trying to keep myself together.

The guards walked around for a minute before they brought us to a room that had tables and benches. It looked like a high school cafeteria.

"Get your lunch. It's the only food you'll get for a while." The guard said and pushed me towards the line where the other people were lining up.

I made my way over to them then waited in line. I desperately wanted to find Colby because I was actually pretty scared.

I knew I would probably have to fight back at some point because I wouldn't be able to handle the mistreatment, but for now I was trying to just take it so I could go home unscathed.

"Hey, beautiful." A man said behind me as he put his hand on my ass. "Back off." I snapped and looked up at him.

"Woah, feisty girl. I just wanna know what everyone else is talking about." He said then squeezed my ass.

"I said back off." I said, trying to make myself seem bigger. I knew that it probably wasn't working but I had to try.

"What? Never been touched before?" He asked as I took a step back. "I just don't want to be touched by you." I said and tried to get away from him, only to bump into someone else. "Watch where you're going." The man I bumped into growled.

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