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"Babe." Colby said as he nudged my shoulder, waking me up. "Hmm?" I hummed as I rolled over to look at him.

"I need your help." He said as I rubbed my eyes. "With what?" I asked and sat up. "We ran out of formula and the girls are hungry." He said as I frowned.

"Okay, I'm up." I mumbled then rubbed my face again.

"I'm sorry." Colby said as I shook my head. "It's not your fault. You weren't born with these babies." I said then grabbed my boobs.

"I wish I was. I would play with them all the time." He said as I got out of bed. "I know you would." I said then slowly made my way out of the room.

"Happy Halloween by the way." Colby said as we walked towards the nursery. "Happy Halloween." I said with a smile then opened the door, causing the girls to cry louder.

"Shhh, it's okay. The mommy milkers are here." I said as Colby laughed. "You're such a loser." He said as he pulled Luna out of her crib.

"Mhmm." I mumbled then pulled Nova out of her crib. "Are you girls excited for your first Halloween?" I asked and sat in the rocking chair, pulling my shirt down.

"You guys are going to be so stinking cute in your costumes." I said and positioned Nova so she could eat.

"They're still in the dryer, so hopefully they fit." Colby said as I laughed. "I'm sure they will." I said as he laid Luna in my arms.

"What time should we be at the party?" I asked and positioned Luna so she could eat.

"Sam and I need to plan a couple more things before we leave on Monday, so maybe we can get there around 5." Colby explained as I nodded.

"Works for me." I said then looked down at the girls. "Are you going to do my makeup?" Colby asked as I giggled. "I can." I said with a smile.

"Good, because we need to look the best." He said as I shook my head.

"That's not even possible when these cuties are gonna be there." I said and gently patted the girls backs as they nursed.

"Yeah, but they are half of us so we still win." Colby said as I nodded. "True true." I said as Nova pulled away.

Colby and I burped the girls and got them ready for the day before we brought them downstairs.

"I think I'm gonna make pumpkin pancakes." I said with a smile as I skipped into the kitchen. "You're adorable." Colby said as I walked over to the swings.

"I love Halloween." I said then strapped Luna into her seat.

I ended up spending the rest of the morning making pumpkin pancakes, hash browns, bacon, and toast. I cut the toast to be in the shapes of bats because I seriously just loved Halloween so much.

"This looks so good." Colby said as he came back into the kitchen. "Thank you. Eat up, we have a busy day today." I said then slid him a plate of food.

We are breakfast then cleaned up the kitchen before we went upstairs to start getting ready. It was already 3pm and I had to do my makeup, Colby's makeup, and get the girls ready so we needed to get moving.

"Okay, I'm gonna try and force the girls to take a nap now so I can do your makeup." I said then started towards the nursery.

"Here, you go set up, I'll get them settled." Colby said as I nodded. "Sounds good." I said then handed the girls off.

I went into the bathroom then walked over to my vanity and pulled out the makeup I would need to do Colby's makeup. I knew that it wasn't going to be perfect but I was going to try my best.

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