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Colby's POV

"Do you think it's going to work?" I asked as soon as Violet put the headphones over her ears. "I think she can do it." He said as I kept my eyes on Violet, making sure she was okay.

"Yeah, she's pretty amazing." I said quietly. It was honestly nerve wrecking watching her since she looked so stoic.

"Go." Violet whispered as I looked at Sam. "I think it's working." I said then looked back at Violet. She whimpered slightly as her mouth formed into a frown. 

"Should we pull her out?" I asked nervously as Sam shook his head. "Not yet." He said as I nodded. We sat there for a while, just watching Violet. She wasn't doing much this time though. 

I watched as her face scrunched slightly. I wanted to pull her out of there but I didn't know what was going on. I just had to wait until I heard the safe word.

"She's been in there for too long.." I mumbled as Sam sighed. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could Violet collapsed suddenly.

"Shit!" I yelled then caught her before she could slam her face into the concrete. "Violet?! Violet!" I exclaimed as I pulled her head into my lap, pulling the blindfold off of her. 

"V? Hey...." I mumbled then smacked her cheek gently, trying to get her to wake up. 

"Why isn't she waking up?!" I asked in a panic as Sam looked at us with wide eyes. "I don't know." He said then reached over and took her wrist. "Violet.." I said as Sam checked her pulse. 

"Her heartbeat is barely even there." Sam said as my eyes watered. "No! You can't have her!" I screamed and looked down at Violet. "I need you.." I whispered as Sam stood up. 

"We have to get her out of here." He said as I shook my head. "What if she's stuck in there? We can't leave her." I said and gently smacked Violet's cheeks trying to get her to wake up. 

"I don't know what to do...I think it's killing her." Sam said as my heart stopped. "No..Leave her alone!" I screamed then scooped her into my arms. "Are we leaving?" Sam asked as I nodded. "We have to get her as far away from this place as possible. It can't have her." I said then stood up, pulling her into my arms.

"Let's go then." Sam said then led the way out of the room, grabbing our stuff. I was concerned about how limp her body was against mine and it concerned me because I didn't know if she was in pain or not.

I was getting serious deja vu as I ran her through the opening in the wall. "Do we take her to the hospital? She can't die." I said as we ran down the halls. "She's not going to die. I don't think anyone at the hospital can help her." Sam explained as we ran.

We were halfway down the hallway when we heard a loud growl and something running towards us. "FUCK!" I yelled then ran faster. "GO!" Sam yelled as he picked up the pace. I wasn't the best runner and I hated cardio but I was running faster than I ever had in my life.

I knew that I didn't want to be caught by whatever was chasing us. 

We luckily were able to get out of the asylum without getting caught but I knew we weren't out of the woods. I didn't know what was going to happen with Violet since we took her out of the asylum.

When we got to the car I laid Violet down in the backseat. "Come on, baby...wake up..." I whispered and caressed her cheek gently. "What do we do?" I asked and looked at Sam with tears in my eyes. 

"She may have just passed out...it might have taken a lot out of her." Sam explained calmly as I chewed my lip. "Her heart though..." I said and checked her pulse, which was still shallow. "What if it hurt her while she was in there...what if it killed her?" I asked as Sam brought his hands to his head.

"I don't know, dude. This is such a unique situation that I don't think anyone has those answers." He said as my lip quivered. "I don't know what to do." I whispered and looked at Violet.

She looked almost doll like because her expression was so blank. It almost felt like she wasn't there at all.

It was terrifying.

"Let's just go back to the hotel and let her rest. If she doesn't wake up by the morning then we can take another step." Sam said as I nodded. "That's a good idea." I mumbled then got in the back seat of the car, holding Violet's head in my lap.

Sam got in the driver's seat and started driving us to the hotel and away from the asylum. I found myself getting angrier and angrier the further we got from that horrible building.

I felt like it was my fault that this was happening. I should have gotten her out sooner. It was a little calming though that she didn't seem to be in pain.

When we got to the hotel we went up to Violet's room. "You can wake up, baby....we want to hear about what happened." I said quietly as I laid her down on the bed. "Why aren't we bringing her to the hospital?" I asked as Sam sat in the chair next to the bed. 

"What would we tell them? Yeah, she's a medium and she went into the spirit realm to release the spirits of a haunted asylum and now she's asleep and we don't know why." Sam said as I sighed.

"I hate that you're right....something just feels wrong." I said and took Violet's hand, caressing it gently. 

"What do you mean?" Sam asked as I sighed. "I just feel like she's not even in there. It just freaks me out." I said as he nodded.

"I understand, but just remember that she's not dead. Her heart is still beating." Sam reminded as my phone rang. 

"Hello?" I answered as the girls' cries sounded through my ears. "Is something going on?" Ki asked as my brow scrunched. "Yeah..why?" I asked as she sighed. "The girls just randomly started SCREAMING. Like screaming screaming." She said as my blood ran cold.

"Yeah, something happened with V. We don't really know what's going on but she's asleep and won't wake up." I explained as she gasped. "What the fuck do you mean she won't wake up?! throw some water on her or some shit!" Ki exclaimed with fear in her voice. 

"I don't think it's that simple, Ki. We fucked up." I said and looked at Violet, using my free hand to brush her hair from her face.

"What do you MEAN?!" Ki exclaimed. "It's a long story. Just put me on speaker phone, I'll sing to the girls." I said as she groaned and put the phone on speaker. "Hi sweethearts, mommy is going to be okay." I said, not knowing if that was true.

I quickly sang them a lullaby which caused the crying to stop. "Thank you." Ki whispered as I nodded. "You're welcome." I said quietly. 

"Now tell me what's going on. Is Violet okay?" Ki asked as I sighed. "She tried a ritual so that she could free the spirits in the asylum from this crazy demon. She was doing it but collapsed and we haven't been able to wake her up." I explained and chewed my lip.

"What the fuck?!" Ki groaned. "Why would you let her do that?! You're supposed to be over protective, what happened to that?!" She accused as I sighed. "I know. I'm mad at myself too, Ki." I said as Sam sighed, standing up so he could fluff the pillow under Violet's head.

"I'm sure she's going to be okay, Colby. Does she look injured?" Ki asked as I shook my head. "No..she's just unconscious." I explained and took her hand again. "Maybe she's just tired." Ki said as I nodded. 

"Yeah, that's what Sam said." I said, keeping my eyes on her. "Just give her some time and keep me updated." She said as I nodded. "Will do. Thanks again, Ki." I said with a sigh. "You got it, just make sure sleeping beauty is safe." he said as I nodded.

"I'm gonna try." I said the hung up. "I'm so sorry, dude." Sam said as I shook my head. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked as he sighed. "I don't know...I just feel like this is my fault." He said as I shook my head.

"No. It's not your fault and it's not mine or Violet's. It's just something that is happening. I'm just going to hope that she's asleep and will wake up soon." I said then checked Violet's pulse again. 

I didn't know if I was imagining things but it felt like her heartbeat was getting stronger. 

I wanted her to just open her eyes and look at me. I wanted her to wake up and tell me that I was ridiculous for worrying. I wanted her to be okay.

I was just going to have to hope she would wake up.

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