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I woke up a couple hours after falling asleep, hearing the girls crying.

"Shit." I whispered then got out of bed, careful to not wake Colby up. When I got out of bed I went to the closet to grab one of Colby's shirts.

I then made my way out to the nursery so I could check on the girls.

"What's going...oh my god gross." I said and looked down at Nova. She had poop all over her crib, including her hair.

"Dude, what the hell?" I asked with a laugh and looked over at Luna. She was frowning and looking up at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure the smell woke you up." I said with a sigh then pulled Luna out of her crib. "Go back to sleep, little bug." I said and rocked her back to sleep.

"Shhh...it's okay. I'm gonna clean sissy up." I said then kissed Luna's head.

After a couple of minutes, Luna fell asleep. "Alright, little one. Let's get you cleaned up." I said and pulled Nova into my arms. "Oh my god, Nova." I said and grimaced at the mess she made.

"You're lucky you're cute because this is horrible." I said with a laugh then went to go to the bedroom. When I walked into the room Colby was sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Everything okay?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nova had a little bit of an accident, I need your help." I said then walked to the bathroom. "What kind of....oh god." Colby said as he followed me into the bathroom.

"Yeah, can you go throw her sheets in the wash?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah, want me to take that onesie with me?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea." I said then laid Nova on the counter so I could get her undressed. "Okay, here." I said then handed him the onesie and diaper.

"I'll be back." Colby said with a grin then left the room. "Isn't daddy so handsome?" I asked then scooped Nova up and turned the faucet on. She giggled up at me as I laid her in her baby bath.

"I think you just wanted to have another bath." I teased as she giggled. "Yeah, you're cute though so I'll allow it." I said and caressed her cheek.

"That shit smells so bad." Colby said as he came into the room. "Yeah, Nova really did us dirty." I said as he came over.

"He knows we were enjoying ourselves too much." Colby said as I carefully washed Nova's hair. "Yeah, or she wanted another bubble bath." I said as Colby grabbed a rubber duck causing Nova to giggle loudly.

"Little booger." Colby said with a laugh and brought the duck to her face, making it kiss her cheek. "Yeah, poor Luna was upset too." I said as Colby breathed a laugh. "Yeah, I'd be upset too if I woke up to this." He said as I chuckled.

"You literally did wake up to this." I said as he pursed his lips. "Yeah, but I woke up after having amazing sex so I'm in a good mood." He said as I nodded. "Yeah, it was pretty amazing." I said then rinsed Nova's hair out.

"I can go get her changed if you want to get back in bed." Colby said when I finished Nova's bath. "I think I should change out of these." I said and looked down at my stockings. "Those don't come off." Colby said lowly as I chuckled.

"I don't want them to get ruined." I said as we walked into the bedroom. "I'll take them off of you." He said as I chuckled "Okay, put poopy to bed then." I said as he grinned and left with Nova in his arms.

When he came back we ended up having sex again which was just as amazing as round one was. However it did knock us both out.

I woke up to an empty bed which was amazing but also mildly upsetting. "Hm." I mumbled then got out of bed. I put on Colby's shirt again then went downstairs.

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