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"No!" I yelled then looked around the room. In the middle of the room was the pile of bones with a red stain on the concrete.

"Fuck!" I hissed then ran towards the door. "Stay with us." A group of people said at the same time.

"No. I can't do that." I whispered then turned around to see a them all standing there, dressed in hospital gowns.

They were all looking at me with so much sadness in their eyes it made my heart sink.

In front of the group of people was a little girl. "Will you help us?" She asked as I frowned. "How?" I asked quietly.

"A soul for a soul." One of the men said as I shook my head. "You can't have my soul. You can't have Sam or Colby's either." I explained as the little girl, who I would assume was Lilly, frowned.

"We were so close last time...to seeing the light." She explained as I scrunched my brow.

"What do you mean?" I asked and dropped my hand from the doorknob, turning fully so I could listen to them.

Lilly walked over and lifted my shirt, pointing to the scar that was along my abdomen. "That was you?" I asked as she nodded.

"We almost saw the light so we could cross over. You're the only person who can see us, can you help us find the light?" She asked as my heart cracked.

Looking at Lilly immediately reminded me of the twins. It made me so sad that she was trapped here, even though she was only 7 years old.

I wanted to help her.

"So what you're saying is I need to die so you can pass through with me?" I asked as they nodded. "We weren't supposed to die here." One of the men said as I frowned.

"What they did to you was horrible, but I can't die." I said quietly as they all looked sadly at me. "It would help us cross." One of the older ladies said as a loud boom sounded from down the hall.

"What was that?" I asked as they disappeared in front of me. "Oh, god." I whispered then turned and grabbed the door handle, pulling the door open.

I heard louder bangs coming from down the hall as I ran to where the passage way was.

There was still dried blood on the wall where Colby had ripped, when he was trying to get me out of the asylum last time.

"Damn, babe." I said as I looked at the ripped up wall. "Focus." I mumbled to myself as the banging behind me grew closer.

I carefully maneuvered myself through the opening, careful to not cut myself of the rigid edges of the wall.

I heard loud crying in the distance as the feeling of fear enveloped me again. Whatever was tormenting these souls was here with me now.

"Shit." I hissed then climbed over the bookshelf that was in my way before I made my way out to the hallway.

"Sam?! Colby?!" I yelled as I ran, unsure as to where they went off to.

I ran for a little while before there was an aching in my stomach, right where my scar was.

"Ow!" I hissed, then stopped and held my stomach. I sat there for a minute, trying to relieve the pain, before I started running again.

"Colby?!" I called out as I ran. "Violet!!" Colby yelled in response. "Thank god." I whispered then ran towards his voice.

When I got to the room they were in, I ran to Colby, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "Where did you go?!" He asked as he hugged me back.

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