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"Still cold?" Colby asked as I looked up at him. "Nope. All warm now." I said with a giggle. "Good." He said then kissed my head.

"Actually, I think I may be too warm." I said as he chuckled. "Ice cream?" He asked as I nodded.

"Ice cream." I said then got out of bed. I grabbed the sweatshirt I was wearing before and put it on.

I then turned to face Colby. I watched as he pulled a pair of his sweatpants on, focusing on the drawstrings that he needed to adjust. I watched him carefully, taking in this moment.

It was crazy to me that just 24 hours ago he had no idea who I was. It stressed me out once again to think about how fast life could be flipped upside down.

I knew I was happy now but things could change in an instant. Colby could wake up and have no memories again.

"You okay?" Colby asked as I frowned. "Do you think your memories are going to stay?" I asked quietly as his face dropped slightly.

"I don't know." He said quietly but walked over and collected me into his arms. "I don't want you to worry about it." Colby said and kissed my head. "I can't help it." I said and looked up at him as tears welled in my eyes.

"I think if I'm really careful and don't hit my head or anything then they'll stay." He said as I nodded.

I pulled away and grabbed the belt that was on the floor and a pillow from the bed. "What are you doing?" Colby asked as I walked over to him.

"I'm strapping this pillow to your head." I said as he laughed. "You're such a dork." He said with a laugh as I reached up and put the pillow around his head.

Colby let me strap the pillow to his head as he smiled. "This is ridiculous." He said with a laugh as I nodded.

"Yeah, I just don't want you to forget me." I said then turned to leave the room. "I'll be very careful, V." Colby said then took the pillow off and tossed it on the bed as he followed me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as we made our way down the stairs. "I'm amazing after what we just did." Colby said with a laugh.

"Right." I said then made my way to the kitchen. "So you're down to go to therapy?" Colby asked quietly.

"Yeah...I think I'll need it." I said and went to the freezer so I could grab my ice cream.

"I'm proud of you for admitting that." Colby said and grabbed two spoons.

"I'm worried because I haven't felt this bad since my parents died..like right after they died...ya know when I had to get checked into the mental hospital." I said quietly.

"Can we talk about that?" Colby asked as I chewed my lip. "Oh....uh...what about it?" I asked and looked up at him. "About what happened. Like did you...uh...did you try to.." Colby started but trailed off.

"Sorta." I said, understanding where he was going. "The day after I found out I couldn't handle the pain so I had a total breakdown." I mumbled.

"Daisy and Beatrice found me in my room with handfuls of my hair in my hands as I screamed about wanting to die." I said with a sigh.

"I don't remember much from that night, but they said it was really bad." I said then sat down.

"That worries me." Colby said and sat next to me. "I promise I haven't felt anything even close to that until today..." I said quietly.

"When I lost you...it felt like the end of the world. I couldn't think of living in a world where you were in it but not with me." I said and looked down at my hands.

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