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I woke up the next morning with an excitement I haven't had in a while.

Colby was coming home tomorrow.

I had a busy day today since I needed to pack a bag for myself and get the house all cleaned up.

I also wanted to make cookies as a welcome home gift for Colby. I was just so excited to see him that I wanted his arrival to be as special as possible.

When I got out of bed my stomach turned as the nausea hit. "Ohhh..." I groaned as I put my hand only belly.

"You're killing me, kiddo." I said and rubbed my lower belly before going into the closet. "I know you're growing and getting all big and strong but I have to get a lot done today so we can't be sick." I said as I got dressed.

Once I was dressed and ready I went to the nursery to get the girls. "Hi, loves! Guess what?" I asked and pulled them out of their cribs.

"Daddy comes home tomorrow!" I said as they giggled and looked up at me. "We're gonna make him some cookies today. Are you gonna help me?" I asked then sat down in the rocking chair and snuggled them.

"I love you girls so much." I whispered then kissed their heads. "You're gonna be the best big sisters in the world." I said as Luna took Nova's hand, waving it around.

"Yeah. Best big sisters ever." I said then kissed their heads again. I held them for a while before I set them up to be fed.

I fed them then burped them before getting them changed. "Okay, we're gonna pack mommy a bag before we make the cookies. You guys are going to get your tummy time while I do that." I said then brought them into the bedroom.

I didn't know where Colby was taking me for our anniversary but I honestly didn't even care.

As long as we were together I would be happy.

"Hmmm...which one." I said then held up two different sweaters towards the twins.

Nova looked at Luna then giggled before they both looked up at me with a smile. "You guys are horrible at making decisions but you're cute so it's okay." I said then folded both sweaters up and put them in the suitcase.

I spent the next hour or so packing things up. I ended up packing a little bit of everything since I wasn't sure what the weather would be like where we were going.

I was almost done before Nova started getting really fussy. "Okay, I finish this later. Let's get you a cold pacifier." I said then scooped the girls into my arms.

When I got to the kitchen I put their girls in their swings then grabbed a cold pacifier from the freezer.

I rinsed it off with a little hot water so it wasn't too cold, then handed it to Nova.

"Here you go, Nova bear." I said then caressed her cheek gently. "Aren't you excited that you're not teething yet?" I asked Luna as I caressed her cheek.

She smiled and melted into my touch, causing my heart to absolutely melt. "Oh, I love you." I said with a smile then turned to grab the ingredients to make cookies.

I decided I was going to make peanut butter cookies because Colby loves the ones I make.

I put some music on then got in the zone, focusing on making the most delicious cookies possible. I didn't think they would be as good as usual because I was just so happy.

I only baked really well when I was in a crisis.

I finished making the dough then put it in the fridge so I could make myself some lunch.

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