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-Author's P.O.V.-

The gun shot rang out throughout the abandon warehouse along with the sound of a body hitting the floor. Justin's crew came flooding in to check on Justin and Acacia. 

"Are they still breathing?" Flash asked. 

"Yes, barely. They are literally freezing to death." Crash examined.

Flash nodded as the rest of the boys hurried to help Justin and Acacia back to the car to warm up. He bent down to Jason's wounded body and put an old rag over his gunshot wound. Jason was knocked on conscious so he is not feeling anything at the moment which is a good thing.  

The question still remains, who shot Jason?

The rest of the crew didn't know, but Flash did. Hiding in the shadows of the warehouse, there stood Derick with a gun in his hands.

Flash patted Derick's shoulder as a praise for his achievement. 

"Lets get you home."

"I'm not coming back." Derick protested.

"You and your capture need a better living situation and I'm sure Justin will take you back in the house since you did save his life."

Derick raised his eyebrows.

"You know of her?"

"Of course I do. I'll take you there."

Flash did as he said and took Derick to the house he had hidden the poor girl. It hasn't been an easy road for the both of them considering they were running from the law, but Derick still loved her regardless. 

Flash parked the truck in the woods where a little abandoned cabin was. Derick hopped out of the truck to go see his true love. Walking inside, there sat India waiting for his presence. 

"Thank God your safe!" She exclaimed as she ran to hug him.

"Gather your things. We are going some place safer."

"And that is?"

Derick smiled.


Justin was so cold. Not even the heat of a thousand blankets could help him. But he would eventually warm up. Acacia, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. She was still passed out and freezing. Justin will soon warm up, but Acacia? That could take hours. Hours that they don't have.

"How is she?" Justin asked, laying on the couch, covered in blankets. 

His speech was finally not so shaky because he was warming up. 

Crash sighed.   

"She's not waking up, Justin." 

Justin looked at him.

"Did you pu-put warm cl-clothes on her?" He stuttered, still feeling a bit chilly. 

Crash nodded.

"There is a way that can help but I need your permission to do it."


"We can run a steaming hot bath but it might burn her due to her frost bite."

Justin stayed silent. He had to think what was best for Acacia and if he was okay with them seeing her naked. That was his temple, not theirs.

"Is there any other way?" Justin asked with hopeful eyes.

Crash shook his head. Justin let out a small sigh before nodding his head.

"Go do what you gotta do."

Crash nodded as he rushed upstairs. Dash was with Acacia to see if any improvements have been made. There was nothing. 

"Any signs of improvement?" Crash asked with hope. 

Dash looked at him, shaking his head. 

"Did Justin agree to our solution?"


"Then let's go."

Stripping off the layers of blankets and clothes Acacia was put in, Crash started a hot bath. Justin trusted the boys with his capture. As much as he wanted to be there to help her, part of him was happy he couldn't because he didn't want to see her in pain.

Dash laid Acacia in the steaming hot water, making her eyes slowly opened. Pain shot through her body as the water burned her. Considering half of her body was frozen, the hot water and the frozen skin collided was like knives cutting through you.

"What the hell?" Acacia yelped in pain and embarrassment as she saw Crash and Dash in the room.

"Where's Justin?" She cried. "Does he know you're doing this to me?"

"He's downstairs warming up. We have to do this, Acacia. Or else you wouldn't wake up." Crash commented.

But Acacia couldn't care less about their intentions. She just wanted Justin and the pain to stop. 

"Well, I'm awake. Now let me out." Acacia started to get out when Dash stopped her. 

"You can't get out, Acacia. Your body needs to gain its heat again." Crash scolded.

"I don't care. It's burning me."

"It has to." Dash butted in.

Tears streamed down Acacia's face as the water burned her skin. 

"I just want Justin!" She cried.

Downstairs, tears flowed from Justin's eyes. He would never admit he cried but hearing his capture in such pain, hurt his heart. He knew what he had to do. Slowly standing up, he made his way up the stairs and into his bedroom. Walking into the bathroom, he instructed the boys to leave the room.

Following Justin's commands, they left the room. Acacia looked at Justin with watery eyes.

"It hurts, Justin." She whimpered. 

"Sh, baby. It's okay." Justin whispered as he sat on the floor.

Acacia leaned in so Justin could stroke her hair. Sniffles filled the air. Justin contained his emotions well while Acacia's overflowed. Justin hummed soft melodies to relax her tense body.

As her body soon got back to it's normal body temperature, Justin used the little strength he had left in his body to help Acacia dry off. Dressing into some warm clothes, Justin laid beside his beautiful capture in bed. He never knew just how lucky he could be to have someone so beautiful and wonderful to love him back. Stroking her damp hair with his huge hand, Acacia looked up at him.

"I love you, Justin." She whispered. 

Justin's heart melted at her words. He wanted her to repeat them over and over again because nothing can beat the sound of hearing the words that he had been wanting to hear all along. 

"I love you more, my precious Acacia."

Captured | j.b. a.g.Where stories live. Discover now