Chapter Five

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Justin set me on his king size bed, climbing in next to me. He pulled the covers down and tucked us in, snaking his arm around my tiny waist. I wanted to cry. I hated him so much. I don't deserve to be here. I want to go back to my normal, boring life.

"Baby?" Justin whispered as he stroked my long hair.

My attention was stuck on the wall.

"What?" I growled.

"Why aren't you laying close to me? Let me sing to you." Justin said sitting up and scooping me up in his arms like a child so he could take care of me.

I tried to push him away but his grip only became tighter.

"Sh, baby girl. I'm not here to hurt you." He whispered, moving his hand up and down my thigh.

Justin started singing some song I wasn't familiar with, but it was quite beautiful. I hate to say it, but he had an amazing voice. It was soothing.

My eyes got heavy and my body came to ease, slumber soon overcoming me. I felt Justin lay me on the bed and tuck me in. He laid next to me, holding me close.

"Sweet dreams, my little capture." He whispered into my ear before pecking my cheek.

I wake up hours later, alone. I smiled in relief because this finally means I can escape. I get out of bed quickly, knowing Justin will probably come to check on me soon. I slide on my skinny jeans that still laid on the floor from yesterday night's events. I slide them up my legs were they hugged my waist. I didn't care how crappy I looked. I needed to get the hell out of here.

I slip on my boots and grab my coat because it's freezing in Canada. I walk to the window and look down. It didn't seem that high of a jump. I take a deep breath before opening the window. The winter air hit me face, making me double think my decision.

I heard Justin's heavy footsteps come up the stairs.

I've always been terrified of heights and this wasn't something I wanted to do. Especially since Justin has a tracker in me. He can easily find me.

The bedroom door opened and Justin stood in the door frame.

I was sure he was going to freak out, but instead he smiled wickedly.

"What are you doing, princess?"

"Uh.. nothing. J-Just getting some f-fresh air that's all." I lied, smiling innocently.

Justin chuckled, shaking his head.

"You're so cute when you're lying," his voice suddenly became dark, "but you must be punished."

My eyes grew wide as he came close to me.

"Justin, p-please no." I whimpered.

Justin grabbed onto my arm with a strong grip.

"Justin, you're hurting me." I cried.

"Good." He sneered.

Justin sat down on the edge of the bed and quickly pulled me over his lap. Fear and confusion rushed over me in wonders of what was to come next. I soon had my answer when Justin's hand collided with my butt.

"Ouch!" I cried out.

Justin didn't care for my cries as he kept going, not slowing down one bit.

After thirty swats, he set me in his lap and cradled me like a wounded child. I tried to climb out of his lap, but his stronghold was keeping me in place.

"Sh, baby girl it's over. That's why you have to listen to me."

"I-I hate y-you." I stammered.

Justin chuckled.

"No you don't. You're just aggravated. Not to mention," he looks at his all-gold watch, "You've waken up from your nap earlier than expected. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I don't need sleep! I need to get away from you!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Sh," he rubbed his hand over my aching butt, "rest my darling."

I winced in pain. I was so foolish to ever think I could escape his psychopathic ways. My mind will forever have a scar because of him and I'll be lucky enough to be killed within a couple of months. My body is so sore. Not just from the beating I've just received, but from my sexual identity being taken away from me so suddenly. There is never any preparing for that mess.

I'm too mentally exhausted to fight much longer. My eyes were weak along with my body and mind. I just can't do this no more.

Listening to Justin's calm heartbeat sounded like music. I'd love for it to be anyone other than Justin's, but I have no other options at the moment. My eyes felt heavier and I couldn't stay awake much longer.

"Don't fight it, princess. Sleep." Justin whispered.

I didn't think twice. I let my eyes finally go to rest and didn't wake up to several hours later.

I've awaken abruptly in Justin's arms from another nightmare I have gotten. It was the same as before; a play-by-play of the night my abduction occurred. I can't even imagine what my poor mother must be going through right now. First she loses my father, then she loses me. What a tragic life, huh?

"Baby, what's wrong?" Justin asked, concern filling his voice.

"Just a bad dream." I mumbled.

Justin heavily sighed and pulled me into his chest, not even noticing my resistance as he follows through with this action.

"I'm sorry. But it will end soon. You're just not use to your new life yet."

"I'm never going to be use to it," I begin to cry, "I want to go home."

I felt a kiss placed on the top of my head.

"You are home. You'll get use to it. C'mon, I'll let you meet the crew."

Justin hopped out of bed and I sat up.

"The crew?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You mean there are other people living in this house?"

He walked over to his dresser to put on a shirt and grabbed another pair of sweatpants to give to me since I was wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts. He tossed me the pants and I get out of bed to put them on. They were too big for me, but better than being naked. I already have one cray with his eyes on me, I don't need others.

Justin grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. He could tell I was nervous by how clammy my hand felt.

"No need to be nervous, baby. You're home now."

"Yeah," I faked a smile, "home."

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