Chapter Ten

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"Where are the boys?" Justin asked Flash as we reached the bottom of the steps.

Flash stopped strumming the guitar and looked at Justin.

"I don't know." Flash shrugged, continuing to strum the guitar strings again.

Justin walked over to Flash, grabbing the pair of scissors that rested upon the coffee table, and cut all the strings. Flash sprang up from the sofa, making me realize even more where his nickname came from.

"What the actual fuck, Justin?" Flash spat in fury.

"I asked you a question and you gave me an invalid answer, Luke." Justin growled.

Luke looked Justin dead in the eyes. I was a bit shaken at the incident happening before me. If they breakout in violence, I'm not going to be able to put an end to the nonsense.

"I'll get them." Flash gritted out in defeat.

Justin smirked in sweet victory as he watched Flash walk to the back where the boys rooms are located. I wanted to tell Justin that he was being a jerk to his crew, but considering I was in the face of death moments before, I kept my mouth shut.

The crew came back with Flash, all taking their normal spots on the sofa.

"I have an announcement," Justin began, "I know this is something we typically don't do, but since we are trying our best to make my capture feel at home, we are going to celebrate Christmas!"

Everyone gave Justin a blank expression before breaking out in laughter.

"Who gives a fuck about Christmas?" Crash laughed.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire. I knew this was a stupid idea, but I had no choice. Plus if I wanted my life spared, I had to come up with some scheme that Justin would believe. Justin gets love in exchange for the celebration of Christmas.

"My capture does. Now stop laughing and go get some rest. We have to be up early tomorrow."

They all let out groans in annoyance and headed to their rooms. No questions asked once so ever. All of them knew better than to question Justin's motives.

Justin turned to face me. I was looking down at my feet, embarrassed by the reaction of everyone.

"Hey," Justin put his index and middle finger under my chin to elevate my head high enough to meet his soft eyes. "Why so down?"

"They probably all hate me." I sigh.

Justin raised an eyebrow.

"You're crazy, baby. Everyone loves you. Lets get some food in you and then go to bed."

"Actually, I'm not hungry. I just want a glass of water. You can go upstairs. I'll be there shortly." I smiled.

"No way. I'm going with you."

"Justin, trust me. I just want some water. I don't need your assistance for this process. I can handle this myself."

Justin pondered my words for a moment before letting out a small sigh.

"Fine, but you have two minutes. Make it snappy."

I smiled and nodded to show understanding.

Justin jogged up the stairs and I walked into the kitchen. I still wasn't sure where they put the cups and plates in the many cupboards they had.

"The cups are on the top left by the sink."

I turned around swiftly to see Derick in the doorway.

"Goodness gracious, Derick. You almost gave me a heart attack, but thank you."

I opened the cabinet door, seeing the many cup selections. Of course, the smaller glasses were too high for my reaching capacity. Derick came over and helped me grab a cup.

"Thank you." I say again as he fills the small glass with ice and then water.

"No problem."

I take a sip of the water. It felt so good going down my throat that I was convinced the water was from the Gods above.

"Someone's thirsty." Derick joke.

"Tell me about it." I giggled and placed the small glass into the sink.

"Goodnight, Derick. Thank you for the help."

I give him a quick hug since he's the only one who's been nice to me since I have arrived. Plus, I love giving hugs.

Derick hesitated, but soon his arms were wrapped around me. I enjoyed his warm embrace a little more than I knew I should've. I'm Justin's capture. Not Derick's. Plus if Justin saw me even speaking to Derick, he would be madder than hell.

I slowly pulled away from Derick and walked back slightly.

"See you tomorrow."

I began walking out of the room, but Derick's hand met mine.

"You don't have to be here anymore, Acacia. I can help you escape if you let me. You can be a normal girl if you're my capture. Still have a family and a life. I wouldn't keep you hostage like Justin does and I certainly would never place a hand on you."

Derick's words hit me. I wanted to believe him so badly, but I just couldn't. Justin would come back for me. He knows where I live. He claims he's been stalking me for months and he has waited for the right moment to come after me.

"Acacia!" Justin's voice yelled from upstairs.

"I have to go, Derick. I'm sorry."

"No you don't. Runaway with me." Derick begged.

"I'm sorry, I just can't."

I unlatched myself from Derick's grip and ran up the stairs. I go inside Justin's bedroom where he was waiting for me.

"What the fuck took you so long? Do you not know how to tell fucking time?" Justin growled.

"I'm s-sorry, Justin. I was h-having trouble finding t-the cups."

Justin chuckled scornfully.

"I know you were talking to Derick."

"Yeah? And your point is?" I scoffed.

"Why the fuck are you speaking to him?"

"He was helping me, Justin. What's so wrong with that?"

"Everything!" Justin snapped. "He's going to try to take you away from me. I don't want you speaking to him at all. Got it?"

"But Justin-"

Justin raised his eyebrow, daring me to keep speaking but I knew to stop.

"Got it." I sighed.

Justin smiled.

"Alright, time for bed."

I climbed into bed next to Justin and he wrapped his arm around me. I tried pushing it off of me as usual, but its no use. I just close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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