Chapter Four

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I scream bloody murder as Justin injected this unknown substances into my body. I wouldn't be surprised if I was dead in the next few hours. Justin pulled out the needle firmly, making a yelp escaping my parted lips. 

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, snatching my arm out of Justin's firm grip and placing my other hand over where he put the injection. 

"It's a tracker." Justin shrugged as if it was normal to do this to humans.  

"You put a tracker in me?" I spat, my blood starting to boil. 

"Well, yeah. You're mine and if you ever chose to escape, I can find you." He smiled, placing a sloppy kiss upon my cheek.  

I wipe his saliva off and make a disgusted look.

Justin chuckled, "you're so adorable."

"I want to go home." I softly cried as he came back from putting the black suitcase away.  

Justin wrapped a comforting arm around me, pulling me onto his lap. I sobbed into his chest as he rocked us back and forth. 

"I hate you, Justin! I hate you!" I sobbed. 

"Sh, no you don't. You will love me." He growled lowly. 

I climbed out of his lap, getting to my feet. He stood up, surprised by my sudden braveness. 

"I will never love you, Justin! You can't just force someone to love you!" I screamed, anger and sadness overcoming me and spilling out like a tipped over glass filled with water. 

Justin's hazel eyes turned black, his chest moved up and down in anger. 

"You will love me!" He yelled, tears filling his crazed eyes.   

I swallowed the uncomfortable lump in my throat, still trying to find the strength to hold my ground. Guilt struck my heart as I realized he was hurt by my words, but he kidnapped me from my family and took my virginity away. He had every right to feel pain. But it wasn't in my nature to hurt people even if they hurt me.

"I can't love you, Justin." I whispered, being totally honest.  

I didn't look into his eyes or else it would guilt me into saying untrue things. 

That's when Justin broke down. 

"You will love me!" He screamed before throwing the pictures that laid on his headboard to the floor. 

Glass broke and Justin grew more angry. I flinched, scared to see him like this. 

I looked at the photos. They were all women. That's when it hit me..

These are the women he kidnapped and killed.  

Shivers ran down my back as I bend down and gently scooted off the broken glass from the picture of a brunette girl with sparking blue eyes. She was gorgeous. I could see why Justin kidnapped her. That's when I heard him cock a gun. 

"Step away from the photos." He demanded, growling lowly.   

I slowly stand up, shaking as he put the pistol to the side of my head. 

"You know who those girls are?" He asked.  

I was too terrified to answer. 

"Answer me!" Justin yelled, digging the head of the gun deeper into my skin.  

"Ye-yes." I choked out, my voice cracking from on the verge of tears. 

"Do you know how they died?" He asked, his voice low and mysterious. 

I couldn't help but cry. I was so scared and the fact that when I'm horrified, I can't speak didn't help.

"Fucking answer me!" He sneered.   

"No!" I screamed back, tears blurring my vision. 

"Don't yell at me!" Justin hissed.   

I closed my eyes and try to process the situation I am currently in. 

"You see, baby girl," I open my eyes to see him in front of me, the gun still in his hand but not pointing towards me. "I kidnapped them. I did the same things I did to you. But they wouldn't love me back and I can't understand why. Why aren't I lovable enough?" He chuckled, tears spilling from his soft brown eyes. He was hurting deeply. 

"You can't make someone love you." I mumbled quietly.   

Justin looked me dead in the eyes, sending cold chills through my body. 

"Well, I will make you love me. You are mine for forever, got it?" He sneered. 

I sighed and nodded, too tired and sore to put up a fight with the psycho.   

"Good." He grinned and he put his gun away before coming back to wrap me up in his muscular arms.  

I wanted to fight and push him off me but I would never win. I have to chose my battles wisely.  

"Let's get you some food." He said, calmly. 

Man, he was really bipolar. 

We walk downstairs and Derick was eating the bacon.   

"Aye, brother." Derick said to Justin, giving him a bro hug. 

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Justin asked, arching an eyebrow. 

Derick shrugged. 

"Probably still out on a mission."

 Justin nodded, getting him a piece of bacon as well. 

I stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say or do. I think it was best to keep my mouth shut. I still couldn't decide what would be better for me. Telling Justin I hate him everyday until he kills me or actually pretend to keep my life?  

I like the first option better.  

"Baby doll?" Justin called, capturing my attention. 


"Come tell me what you want to eat." He smiled. 

I nodded and walked to the fridge. I looked through his food selections and honestly, none interested me. 

"I'm not hungry." I lied, closing the French doors. 

Justin frowned. 

"I know when you're lying to me, baby doll. Now tell me what you want to eat." He said as he wrapped his arms around me, lightly hitting my ass. He smirked as my cheeks turned red.  

"Oh, c'mon now, baby. Don't be embarrassed." He chuckled before placing his lips on my forehead. 

"I want to go home." I whispered into his built chest. 

Justin let out a heavy sigh.

"You know I can't let you do that." He mumbled into my golden brown hair. 

Tears filled my eyes but I quickly made them go away as he pulled away from me, revealing my face. 

"You look tired. Let's go take a nap." He coo'd, picking me up bridal style.  

Who does he think I am? A child? I was too tired to fight. I just wanted to close my eyes and never wake up. The nightmare was reality while fantasy was in my dreams.   

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