Chapter Twenty Seven *trigger warning*

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-Justin's P.O.V.-

I was finally able to drive Acacia home. My heart was breaking at the sight of Acacia's broken mind, but also part of me liked the fact she was so dependent on me. She will want to be with me 24/7. That's what I wanted after all. The sad thing is, my time is limited with the love of my life. She doesn't know that, though. I don't want her to know. I want her to love me and depend on me as much as she needs to. I'm dedicating the rest of my eighty days to her and only her. No one can get in the way of that. 

I carried Acacia bridal style into the house. Her arms wrapped so tightly around my neck, it slightly hurt. I didn't complain. She needs me and I'm going to be the man she needs. That has been my destiny since the day I've laid eyes on this beautiful human being. She makes me want to be the good man I should've been. I know it's too late to make amends with the man upstairs, but he allowed me to experience heaven with allowing me to have Acacia. I know it is crazy to think or even say, but I believe Acacia is my soulmate. She was made for me as much I was made for her.  

The boys all stood up from sitting on the furniture, looking at me with worried eyes. I just gave them a look that told them that we will discuss things later. They all nodded and respected my orders. 

"Justin?" Acacia whined as I carried her up the stairs.

"What's wrong, darling?"

"I-I'm," she couldn't even finish the sentence without crying.

"Sh, I know. I'm going to clean you up with a nice bath and then we are going to put some food into that cute little stomach of yours, okay?" I coo'd. 

Acacia nodded, resting her head back onto my chest. She was more submissive than ever. Usually, she would still argue with me or put up a strong fight. At times, she allowed me to treat her like the princess she is, but it was rare. Now, Jason brainwashed the poor girl and not in a good way. He didn't do it out of love for her. He did it to get back at me

I sat Acacia down on the bathroom counter top so I can start her water. I made sure the water wasn't too hot so it wouldn't hurt her fragile skin. Jason already did enough of that all on his own. I'm sure Alexander also helped. 

Those sons of bitches.

"Okay, baby. Arms up." I say as I turn off the water and walk over to her, gently tapping her thigh.

She hesitated, but followed my orders. Fear swam in her beautiful brown eyes. The killer in me loved seeing girls have fear for me, but this was different. I didn't want Acacia to feel any fear towards me. I just wanted her to be happy. 

I slid my dirty white t-shirt off of her, revealing bruises and cuts all over her tan body. Fury built up inside me, but I had to let it go for now. Acacia needs me. I could tell my anger was making things worse. Acacia was ashamed of her body now because of Jason. 

"Good girl," I praised. "Now, take off your underwear."


I sighed.

"Darling, I need to clean you. I promise you that I'm not going to hurt you like Jason d-"

"But you have! Y-You've r-raped me just l-like him!" Acacia wailed. 

"No, that was the old me, baby. I love you. I made love to you. I could never have done what Jason did." I argued.


Acacia hopped off the counter and ran out of the room. I followed quickly after her, calling her name every step of the way. When I got to the end of the stairs, she was in Flash's arms, sobbing.

"Make him go away!" Acacia sobbed. 

Flash gave me a sadden look.

"Justin isn't going to hurt you, Acacia. He loves you." Flash comforted. 

"N-No, h-he d-doesn't!" Acacia stammered in between sobs.

Flash let out a sigh. 

"Go to my room and get a shirt to cover yourself. I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

Acacia looked up at Flash then nodded, not even looking back at me. This made my heart hurt even more. This also didn't help my anger. I needed to let it out one way or another. 

"Dammit, Flash. Why did you let her do that? She was suppose to be with me." I growled.

"She's hurting, Justin. If you force her to be with you, it's not going to help your case. Plus, you look a lot like Jas-"

"Don't you dare finish that fucking sentence. I am nothing like that fucking asshole!"

"Things like this take time. Don't rush it." Flash argued.

"Well, I don't have time."I mumbled.

The room became thick with silence as I let those words slip out. Even though I said it so lowly that they could hardly hear it, the words echoed throughout the room. My team knew what I meant by it. That was the one thing that they were dreading from the start, but I had to get Acacia back. She's the love of my life. I have to have her.

"You didn't." Crash said in disbelief.

I couldn't look them in the eyes. How could I tell the team that has had my back since day one that I just betrayed them? They'll never forgive me for this.

"What the fuck, Justin? How are you going to do this to us?" Dash exclaimed.

"Do you think this is easy for me?" I growled. "I had to do it for Acacia. I love her and-"

"What about us? Don't you give a fuck about us? We'll have to surrender to Jason!" Dash interrupted. 

I looked down at the hardwood floor. I had to keep my composure. This isn't easy at all for me. My world is falling apart and I don't know what to do. My crew don't understand that love is self-sacrificial, it gives more than it takes. I'll give up my life for Acacia. She deserves more of a life than I'll ever will.

"I know," I look up at them. "I'm sure you boys will do fine. As long as you obey his orders, everything will be okay."

"We can't do that, Justin. We've spent our lives trying to kill off this son of a bitch. We despise his fucking presence. Now we are suppose to just obey him?!" Flash exclaimed in fury.

I nodded. 

"Yes, and those are my orders. I have eighty days. Lets not waste them."

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