Chapter Eight

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The next few days were all the same. I would sleep, wake up from terrible nightmares, cry at least five times throughout the day, Justin would have one of his "episodes," and I would feel bad for making him behave crazy. I know I shouldn't feel bad since he's keeping me hostage here, but he's mentally not right. He needs serious help.

I'm a little more use to the people here. Justin wasn't all bad when he wasn't losing his marbles. I still missed my family. It was almost Christmas time and it's that time of the year where my mother needs me most. Since my father passed away, she has latched onto me. She never let me out of her sight. At times when I was lucky, I was allowed to go out on my own without my mom asking a hundred questions about where I'm going.

I wish I never left the house that night. Now, my mother has to relive not only my father's death, but the potential death of her daughter. Lord only knows what fake tales the news loves to sell to the public. I'm probably just another unsolved case in the back of everyone's minds. There probably is a story way worse than mine getting the attention it deserves. Attention I have long lost.

I was sitting on the bed, my knees up to my chin. I was too tired to weep anymore. If Justin wanted to do anything to me, I'll let him have at it. I'm slowly losing who I am and I don't think I can ever find that girl anymore. The innocence is slowly vanishing and I refuse to keep it.

Justin was downstairs with the boys to do business things. I was ordered to stay up here and don't try anything funny or else I'll get punished. Not like I was going to attempt an escape anyways. Ever since I came here, I've only tried to escape once. Either I've watched too much crime shows to know how it will end for me or I'm just too weak to try.

The second one sounds about right.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and I automatically knew it was Justin. I kept my attention on the wall ahead, not once breaking the images my mind was drawing on the badge color wall. 

"Darling?" Justin called, trying to break my trans.

I blink, letting an unknown tear fall.

"What?" I hiss through gritted teeth.

"Are you okay? You haven't moved since I went downstairs."

"I'm fine." 

"You don't seem it."

I look at him with harsh eyes.

"I'm fine, Justin. Now leave me be." I demanded.

Justin walked over to me and sat next to me. He put his hand on my knee.

"Please let me know what's wrong, baby girl. Whatever it is, I'll make it better. I promise. You haven't ate in three days, you don't lay next to me, you hardly even speak. Just please," his voice cracked and I could tell he was ready to cry. "Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed. I couldn't tell him what's really wrong or else he'll breakout in a episode again. Part of me felt bad for making him feel like this. He seemed delusional enough to actually believe we could have love. That our worlds could actually combine to make a sick, twisted, beautiful love that he had always searched for. But I know that me and him could never be possible. Our chemistry just doesn't match. 

I looked at Justin. Tears fell from his caramel orbs and I allowed for my heart to ache for a slight moment.

"Don't worry about me, Justin. I'm just miss my family, that's all." 

"B-But, we're your family now. We will make you just as happy and love you just the same. M-Maybe even more." He sniffled.

I slightly smiled. Justin may be mentally twisted in so many sick ways, but I had pity for the guy. Something had to fuck him up in a way that he can never recover. Maybe that's why our paths crossed so I could help somehow. I'm not sure how yet, but I'll find a way.

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