Chapter Fifteen

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-Acacia's P.O.V.- 

"Where is Derick going?" I asked Flash as Derick stomped up the stairs. 

He looked down at me considering he was like six foot and five inches.  

"Nothing you need to worry about. How about we watch television?" Flash said as he lead me to the all black leather couch.  

I sat in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his neck as he slightly rocked back and forth. I felt like a child right now but I'm so overwhelmed with emotions that it's all coming out as tears. I missed my mom, I missed being home and studying for hours. I just want to go back to my normal life. But I stayed. I stayed with this asshole because I was starting to feel something. I felt guilt for wanting to leave him. My eyes had hope that someone was trying to find me while his filled with sadness. I'm trying so hard to love this monster but when he acted like that, I felt like I'm just another victim he's going to torture and forget about. What if I actually gain feelings towards him? What if I actually want to be his one and only? His capture? 

Derick stomped down the stairs, making me jump out of my skin. I hop off of Flash's lap but he stood up, firmly holding my wrist. Derick gave me a small, hurt smile before making his way to his bedroom. 

"Derick!"I called out, getting up from Flash's lap, but Flash pulled me back down.

"Let him go, Acacia." His calming voice soothed. 

Tears rolled down my face. What did Justin do to Derick? I looked up at Flash who was looking towards the hallway were Derick's bedroom is.

"Will you talk to him?" I mumbled with pleading eyes.   

Flash gave me a small smile.

"Of course." He said before brushing past me to go to Derick's room.

Seconds later, Justin made his way down the stairs. He's the last person I want to see right now. 

Justin gave a look to Crash and Dash. They knew it meant that he wanted to talk to me. The boys got up and left the room.

Justin stuffed his hands in his jean pockets as he looked at me. I had no words and it seemed like he couldn't find the right ones. Hell, anything that comes out of that boy's mouth is messed up. 

"Baby doll, I'm sorry I was jerk towards you. I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." He sighed.  

I looked at him.  

"You really hurt me, Justin." My tiny voice spoke, a tear dancing down my cheek.

"I know, darling, and I'm so sorry." 

I shook my head. 

"You're always sorry, Justin! You never care about anybody's feelings but your own! I could've ran. I could've went straight to the police and told them that you kidnapped me! But no. I stayed." I spat, my anger getting the best of me.   

Justin's soft lips smacked onto mine. I melted under his touch as his hands cupped my tear stained face. I didn't push him away because at this very moment, all I wanted was for him to embrace me. I wanted his hands to never leave my face as his thumbs wiped my falling tears. Our lips connected so right and I was right under his spell.

Justin pulled away slowly, our eyes met. A small smile crept upon his lips.   

"And I'm very happy you stayed." His soothing voice spoke, his thumbs moving side to side on my face, catching falling tears.  

A little smile crept upon my face. 

"That's the smile I love to see." Justin smiled.  

My cheeks started heating up.  

He chuckled.   

"You're so fucking cute." Justin gushed, making my cheeks worse.  

Justin clearly enjoyed the fact he was making me blush like an idiot because I get flattered easy. He removed his warm hands off my face but kept his gaze on me. 

"Derick!" We heard Flash yelled as Derick stormed into the room, disturbing the moment me and Justin were sharing.  

Derick grabbed his coat that was hanging by the door, putting it on before putting on his shoes.  

"Whoa whoa what the hell is going on?" Justin asked, looking at Flash.  

Flash stayed quiet, folding his arms against his chest. 

"You'll soon see, Justin. You'll soon see." Derick chuckled, maliciously.   

Justin arched an eyebrow.   

"What are you doing, Derick? Take off your stuff." Justin demanded, crossing his strong arms against his chest.  

Derick laughed, disobeying his orders as he tied his shoe. Justin glared at him. 

"Derick, don't ignore me." Justin scoffed, raising his voice.   

"You will soon see what it feels like to have everything taken away from you." Derick hissed, his eyes pitch black.

Anger was boiling inside him. Justin's face stayed blank. He was good at not showing emotion.

"I told you, I never killed Sandra, Derick." Justin said coldly.   

Derick shook his head, laughing angrily.   

"You don't deserve Acacia. You don't deserve anybody. You've done nothing but destruct everything you come in contact with. But now, you're gonna see what it feels like." He snarled, his chest moving up and down angrily.   

Justin's body was still, his chest puffed out in case Derick dare made a move and tried to fight him. 

Derick gave one cold hard look at me before going back to Justin. My body quivered in fear, sending cold chills down my spine. It was so scary to see him this angry. Derick's eyes were my safe place. They always showed love and affection towards me. Not hurt and hatred.

A knock was at the door, still not breaking the integration stare down between Justin and Derick. Flash jogged to the door, opening it to reveal a beautiful young woman. Flash wrapped his arms around the girl's tiny waist. Derick looked over at the door then back at Justin.

"Watch your back, Bieber." He growled before storming past the cute couple and out the house.  

Shivers ran down my spine at his statement. What is he going to do? Is he the one I should be fearful of and not Justin? 

Flash looked at Justin whose body was still tensed.

"Do you want me to go after him?" Flash asked, sighing.   

Justin shook his head.  

"No, if he wants to leave, let him. We don't need him." Justin said through gritted teeth.  

I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. Do I hug him? Do I stay here? I'm so confused. 

Justin turned his attention towards me. He sighed when he saw my terrified face looking back at him. His muscles loosened up once I reached out my hand for him to grab. He grabbed my hand before pulling me close to him, our lips meeting once again.

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