Chapter Three

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I felt lifeless. All the life has been taking out of me. Everything was a blur, my head was pounding, and my body ached. I never thought my virginity would be taken like this. No, I didn't deserve it. No one did. I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy. 

I woke up beside the monster who hurt me. Disgusted with his presence, I noticed we were both naked. The memories leaked back into my mind, pain shooting through my entire body. I wince in pain again. How could he do such a thing to a human being? I felt so bad for the girls that died because of his cruel actions, but I survived. 

I'm a survivor.

I unwrap his filthy paws off me, sliding out his bed. I walk around to his side of the bed to grab my clothes. I prayed he wouldn't wake up because of the squeaky floor boards, but luck wasn't on my side once again. Justin shot up and looked down at me. He grinned at me especially since I was naked. 

"Why are you putting on your clothes from last night?" He asked, nonchalantly.

"Well, sorry I didn't pack my bags for this lovely trip to your house." I sneered.

"Well, next time you should." He smirked, sarcasm clear in his tone. 

I rolled my eyes as he gets out of bed to walk to his dresser. I would attempt another break for it, but I'm too sore to even move. 

"Put this on." He said before tossing me a white v-neck. 

"Thanks." I mumbled. 

I mentally cursed myself for thanking him. Curse my mother for making me a well behaved child. 

I put on my bra from last night before putting on his white v-neck. It was way too big for me but it was comfortable. Justin was already in the bathroom fixing his hair. He got dressed quickly. Black skinny jeans that sagged slightly off his ass so you could get a decent view of his boxers. A black and white studded belt laid in between the pants loops while a leather jacket with the "Red Bulls" logo on it matched. His red Adidas matched the red on his jacket.

Justin must have saw me staring through the mirror because he grinned at me. 

"Take a picture, sweetheart. It'll last longer." He joked, chuckling afterwards thinking he was so funny.

I rolled my eyes at his arrogance. 

"No thanks. I don't like seeing your face anyways." I say venomously. 

He placed his hand over where his heart should be.   

"Ouch!" He pretended to wince in pain.

"That's cute, you're putting your hand over where your heart should be." I sarcastically smile. 

Justin chuckled. He walked out of his luxurious bathroom, turning off the light and walked towards me. I flinched, scared of what's he going to do. He placed his hand gently on my cheek, making my body turn to stone. He looked into my tired, weak, sad eyes.

"You're beautiful." He whispered before placing his lips on mine.

I didn't kiss back. I was internally screaming at him to get off me. The fact our lips weren't grabbing onto each other frustrated Justin.  

"Kiss me back," Justin demanded as he pulled away, his eyes growing black. 


I nod in fear. He smacked his soft lips to mine. I forced myself to kiss back and we pulled away, making him slightly smile. 

"Good girl," he praised, "now come downstairs, I'll make you breakfast." He smiled before walking downstairs.   

I followed him, examining the mansion. It was so beautiful. Everything looked professionally carved and made. We walked into the all white kitchen, Justin walking to the silver French door fridge.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked, pulling out eggs and raw bacon meat. 

"I'm a vegetarian." I state.  

He glared at me.  

"Well not anymore." Justin smirked.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What's left of my innocence was kicking in, then I realized what he meant.    

I gagged, remembering what he made me do to his private area. He smiled at my gags and started cooking. I stayed quiet and played with the hem of his shirt.

"When can I go home?" I blurted out after about three minutes of awkward silence.  

He turned to look at me and smiled. What's up with him and all this smiling?

"Silly girl, this is your home."

"No it's not."  

"Yes it is, baby doll. You're just not use to it yet. You're my capture. You're mine for forever." He laughed lightly making my stomach flipped. 

Justin turned back to cooking. I wanted to scream and cry, but I was emotionless, cold as stone. My soul have left my body, making me hollow and alone. That's when my soul came back and made me run.  

I bolted down the hallway that was on the first floor that looked a lot like the second, but I didn't care.  

I look behind me to see no sign of Justin. I turn my attention back forwards when I ran into a hard chest. Falling to the ground with a thump, I looked up at the mysterious man that was dressed a lot like Justin except this man had a black snap-back with a red bull on it. 

"Who-who are you?" I chocked out, my head starting to hurt from the impact of his chest. 

"I'm Derick, and you might be?" He dragged out the word be, wanting me to answer. 

"Acacia." I mumble lowly. He grabbed my right hand to help me up. 

"Thank you." I say, brushing off Justin's clothes with my manicured hands. 

Footsteps from the distance came closer to reveal a not so very happy Justin. He viciously grabbed onto my arms, shaking me.

"Don't you ever do that again, understand me?" He spat.

 I nodded, tears forming in my eyes.

"Good," he sneered, letting me go, "come upstairs with me."    

I nodded and followed him back down the hall I came and up the steps. Derick followed but he went to the kitchen for food. His brown eyes filled with sadness as if he knew what was going to happen to me. 

"Sit on the bed." Justin instructed. 

I did as told and sat on his comfortable king size bed.He went into the bathroom and pulled out a black suit case that laid under the sink. 

"Don't make this complicated." Justin stated as he unlocked it. 

I furrowed my eyebrows together, curious to what he was going to do. I knew it wasn't going to be good but still my thoughts lingered with all the worse possibilities. He then pulled out a syringe with a long needle. My eyes grew huge. He flicked it to get the air bubbles out before moving slowly towards me.

"Pl-please no," I cried. 

Justin grabbed my arm firmly and plunge the thick needle into my thin arm. An ear piercing scream escaped my lips along with tears falling from my fear filled eyes. 

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