Chapter One

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I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling fan that kept turning. It made my head hurt looking at it spin around and around. But then again, I have no social life. I was a goody two shoes that always did what she was told. Why would anybody care about inviting me somewhere?  

Senior year and I still have never been to a party. Not once. But why would they? I'm nobody important. I never will be. I'm just a nerd. A teacher's pet. I go to school everyday, in all the honors classes, go home and get straight to studying. Isn't my life just fun?

I decided I needed some fresh air. I slide out of bed and walk to my closet. I slip on my all white sweater along with some black jogging bottoms. I slip on some pink colored socks before putting on my all black snow boots. I wrap my white scarf around my neck before putting on my black and white beanie.

I jog down the stairs where my mom was sitting on our brown leather sofa, reading a book. All of the lights were off except a lamp she had on to read her book.

"I'm going for a walk." I say walking towards the door. 

"Okay, honey. Be back soon." She said, not even looking up from her book. 

I walk out the house, closing the door behind me. The cold winter air stroked my cheeks, making my nose slightly run. I itch my nose and proceeded to walk down my driveway.

I walk down the sidewalk. No cars were around, no animals, no people.Just me and my thoughts. That's all it's ever been.    

A lamp post shined down on me as I proceeded to walk on and it soon faded away as I kept walking into the darkness. I listened to the sound of my footsteps dig through the snow that covered the ground I walked upon. But this time it sounded different. 

I wasn't alone.  

I looked behind me, nothing. I looked forward and screamed in fear as I stared in the eyes of a unknown person.  

"Sh." He whispered as he covered my mouth with his icy cold hand. 

Tears filled my brown eyes. Why was this happening to me? Who was he? Why is he even touching me?  

"Who are you?" I asked as he removed his hand from my mouth.  

"You'll find out soon." He smirked.   

My body swam in fear. I wanted to run but I know if I did, things will just get worse for me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, bring me into his chest. My face hit his cold leather jacket, his fingers ran through the hair that stayed out from my beanie. We proceeded walking and so many thoughts ran through my mind.

What's he going to do me? Is he protecting me?

Oh, shut up Acacia. You know damn well this fool don't give a shit about you. He's just going to use you as a sex slave.

My conscious spat harshly at me but it was the cold heart truth. This man don't love me. He's just going to use me for his sexual pleasure than be done with me.

We turned a right where more houses were. Christmas lights filled the streets, ready for the holiday cheer. I wasn't huge on the holidays. Ever since my father passed six years ago, me and my mom really don't get into the holiday spirit. Why should we? It's suppose to be celebrated with the people we love, right? Well my father isn't here. Now that I think about it, if he was here, I wouldn't be with this psychopath right now.

We got to a all black car that was parked on the side of the road. The man opened the passenger door.   

"Get in." He demanded. 

I nod, slowly walking towards it since he let me go a few feet ago. If it was my chance to run, it would be now. I was forcing my feet to go to his car.

But my body decided to take off running. I went back the direction we came. I  heard him behind me, cursing under his breath for me to come back but I was in no control. It was like I was lost inside myself. I didn't want to go towards the man but I knew he would catch me either way.

Why can't my body stop?  

I was running out of breath and energy. My body will soon give up and I was praying for it. There's no escaping him. He will catch me and now he's probably gonna beat me till I'm purple. As my energy ran out, I finally slow down, coming to a stop and arms wrapping around me. I was then lifted off the ground and over his shoulder.  

"You made a dumb move, baby girl." He chuckled, tightening his grip around my legs. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled as the tears began to fall. 

"Sorry isn't going to help you, sweetheart." He said sternly, pulling a cigarette out his right pocket placing it between his lips. He then dig for a lighter, pulling it out to light it.

Maybe it will kill him now before he gets me.  

Smoke came from his lips and hit me in the face as it blew behind him. He whistled a eerie tune as he walked to his car, echoing through the silent night. He made the turn and we reached his car shortly. He opened his passenger door, throwing me inside.

"Ow!" I cried, placing my hand on my head that hit the gear shift. 

He slammed the door shut and walked to his side of the car, hopping inside. I put on my seat belt knowing he probably drives like a maniac. He turns on his car, hard rock blasting through his car speakers.

He slammed his foot on the gas causing the tires to make a screeching sound, hurting my ears more than the blaring music. He zoomed down the empty streets, making sharp turns and quick stops, plunging my body forward and almost making me hit the windshield.  

"Can you turn that down?" I asked. 

It's been about ten minutes and the sound of guitars along with banging drums was hurting my ears. He just gazed at me, a chuckle along with a smirked formed on his lips. 

"Sweetheart, the music is the least of your problems." He said, smiling evilly. Saliva built up in my mouth from the nervousness.

"Well can you at least tell me what your name is?" My quiet voice spoke.

He turned down the music a little bit.   

"Can you repeat that?" He asked with a demanding tone. 

"I said can you at least tell me what your name is." I say, a little embarrassed at the fact my voice is so small.

"Damn, girl. Your voice is so little. Learn to speak up." He said harshly. 

I just looked down at my hands that rested in my lap. 

"But to answer your question," he licked his lips, keeping his eyes on the road but then glancing at me. "My name is Justin, Justin Bieber."

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach, the acids eating it alive. He was Ontario's most wanted for kidnapping girls, killing people, and bombing places.

"Wha-what are you going to do-do with me?" I stuttered, tears filling my brown orbs. His left hand rested on the wheel while his right rested in his lap. 

"Sweetheart, you already know."  

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