Chapter Twenty Three

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-Acacia's P.O.V.-

The car ride to the unknown destination seemed forever. With each passing second, the more I wanted to be with Justin. I don't trust this stranger and I don't believe he works for Justin. But then again, I don't know about Justin's life. The many secrets he keeps from me makes it hard to believe what's real or fake anymore.

Just when I thought things were going to go smoothly, this had to happen. I was going to finally try to allow Justin in. Now this makes me build my walls even higher. Not like Justin had to dig deep. He already knows me more than I know myself. It quite terrifying when I let myself think about it.

The van came to a final stop. I heard a door open and close. My adrenaline raced as I thought of a quick escape plan. I knew better than to put up a fight, but I've been a fighter ever since I've lived in Justin's home. He would want me to fight for my life.

For us.

The man opened the van doors and I automatically began kicking. I squirmed and screamed like a bratty three year old not getting her way. This man was insane if he thought I was going to go under his commands without a hassle. I'm not as brainwashed as he thinks I am.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked.

The cold air hit me as the man dragged me out by my hair. I screeched in pain, hoping someone would hear me and call for help. But as always, the night was still silent even with my screams echoing in the distance.

-Jason's P.O.V.-

"Alexander!" I called as soon as I got to his house.

I got here on time, even though Kayla put up a fight. That girl don't know how to calm down and listen.

Alexander came jogging out, out of breath. I glared at him.

"Why the hell are you out of breath?" I hissed.

He put his hands on his knees, tired and trying to catch his breath.

"She," he paused, trying to relax his breathing. "She was hard to control. That bitch is crazy!" He exclaimed before standing up straight, put his hands behind his head.

"Where is that brat anyways? I got no time to waste." I asked, looking at my all gold, expensive watch that laid on my wrist.

"In my room. Just like you order, sir." He sighed.

"Good job, Alexander." I praised, patting his shoulder as I walked past him.

I walked to Alex's room, opening the door to reveal a beautiful crying girl. She looked up at me with scared eyes. I looked down at her with a smirk as I suck up the fact that I'm under control.

"You sick son of a bitch." She growled, tears running down her red cheeks.

I chuckled at her 'toughness.' Does she not know who she is speaking to?

"Justin must not have taught you manners, young lady."

She glared at me.

"Oh, the contrary. I know a thing or two about manners. Its you and your brother who don't know a damn thing about manners! You know it is not nice to kidnap people, right?"

I knelt down to her height. She was curled up on the floor, scooting as far away as she could from me. I moved the stray pieces of hair away from her damp cheeks.

"You're a smart girl, Acacia. That being said, I don't think I need to explain my motives."

"Justin is your brother," she whispered. "How could you be so cruel?"

I looked at her. She was still young and naive on how cruel the world truly is, but she's slowly learning. I'm sure Justin doesn't spend his days talking about me. Though, she does know of my name. Therefore, Justin's walls are starting to come down if she knows that much.

"Water is thicker than blood in this case, sweetheart. We may be brothers, but he's dead to me. I've tied to make my peace which he refused. This is no one's fault but his own."

"There has to be a reason. Wait," she paused, piecing the puzzle together. "Am I just your way to get back at Justin?" She snapped.

I smirked.

"Well, aren't you a smart cookie."

Then, out of unexpediency, she coughed up a spitball and spat in my face. Anger rushed through my veins as I stood up quickly. Did she really just do this? Does she not know who she is messing with?

I wiped off the spit quickly with the back of my hand. I could tell by the look on her face that she immediately regretted her actions, but it's too late for that now. She made a terrible mistake that she now must pay for.

With no warning, I put all my strength into the kick of my foot which hit her in the face. A yelp escaped her pink pumped lips before falling to the floor unconsciousness.

"Stupid bitch." I muttered.

I walked out of the room with Alexander following closely behind.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Home. Where the fuck else would I go?" I growled.

"What am I suppose to do when she wakes up?"

"Keep her captive. What else would you do?"

Alexander glared at me.

"You know how feisty she is. You expect me to keep the little bitch captive?"

"I have faith you can handle the job just fine."

He let out a sigh of discouragement. Alexander knows he'll never win arguing with me. No one ever does. It is either my way or the highway. Justin has yet to learn that. He thinks he's the one with all the power, but he's terribly mistaken. I'm a force to be reckon with. I will tear up his world faster than the blink of an eye.

"By the way, Alexander." I say before walking out of his house.


"If she gives you any trouble, do what you need to do to shut her up."

Alexander smiled devilishly at my words.

"Yes, sir."

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