Chapter Twenty Four

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-Acacia's P.O.V.-

I weep in pain from Jason's brutal ways. How can he do that to me? My actions are justified. I'm terrified of him and confused. I don't understand what's going on and all I want is Justin. As crazy as it sounds, I'm attached to him. I've learned to accept that I am his capture and there's absolutely no hope of becoming free. 

"Justin." I cried, hoping somehow he feels me cry for his presence. But I knew better than to get my hopes up for something that wouldn't happen.

Maybe Justin's crazy theories were right. Maybe in some crazy sense, we are soulmates. God, or whatever someone chooses to believe in, works in mysterious ways. Love is a mystery I've always failed to understand. Here I am, wanting to get away from Justin. But now that I am, he's all that I want. 

Why am I feeling this way?

Alexander walked back into the room, interrupting my deep train of thought. He had a smirk of evil that I didn't want to know about. Just the sight of him gave me the creeps. If Jason was evil, Alexander isn't much better.

"You made a dumb decision spitting at the boss, but he is way more nicer than I'll ever be," he leaned down to get close to my face. Just looking into his eyes made me feel sick and quiver with fear. "Think about pulling that shit with me and I promise you, you will be sorry."

"I will never respect you." I spat. I may have to be powerless around Justin, but I will stand my ground around Jason and his crew. My mother raised me to be a strong woman and that's what I will be. I have not lost myself completely just yet. I will remain tough. 

Alexander chuckled scornfully.

"That's cute that you try to act like you have some kind of say. You may think you have a choice, but you don't. I'm the one in control. Not you."

"Just wait till Justin notices my absence. You'll be regretting ever stealing me. He'll ruin you and Jason without a doubt."

"You really have faith he'll come looking for you?"

I nodded with confidence. 

"Yep," I say popping the p and with a grin on my face. "I am the love of Justin's life. Of course he'll come back for me."

"That's cute that you actually think a cold blooded murder would give a fuck about someone as worthless as you." 

I bit my bottom lip to keep it from trembling as his words became like daggers piercing through my tan flesh. I wasn't going to give Alexander the satisfaction of managing to get under my skin, but I'm not as emotionally strong as I used to be. My mental state is slowly deteriorating with each passing second. Alexander's words can push me over the edge at any given moment and that's what he wants. He wants me to break under his command with a simple word. But I refuse to allow him do such cruel things. I am going to use every ounce of strength my body holds to keep going even when it is too difficult to do so.

Alexander wiped his cold thumb under my eye to wipe my tear away. I haven't even noticed I was weeping until now.  

"Aw, don't weep, sweet girl. I'll put you out of your sick misery after I get what I want out of you."

I gulped. His words sent fear crawling dine my spine as I began to quiver in agonizing fear. My stomach was doing flips and I began to feel queasy.  

"P-Please don't h-hurt me." I pleaded.

"Too late. Night night."

A hard knock to the head sent me into instant darkness, unaware of the world around me.

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