Chapter Twenty Eight

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-Author's P.O.V.-

It's been a week since Justin and Jason's deal. Everyone on Justin's team was worrying to no end, but they knew that there were things that needed to be done. Justin expected nothing but perfection from his crew and everyone knew that. Drug cartels needed their money and Justin's gang needed the drugs to sell.

Acacia and Justin's relationship is taking a rockier path than ever before. Every time Acacia see's Justin's face, all she thinks about is Jason and his horrid actions towards her. She kept having night terrors every night that cause her to lack sleep. If there is such thing as a hell, Acacia is living every second of it. She can't help but think of the easy way out.

"Why couldn't have Justin just killed me off from the start?" Acacia often asked aloud with tears streaming down her precious face. 

Even though Justin didn't go near Acacia to prevent her from having a panic attack, he would sit by the bedroom door and imagined being with her. He would smile at the thought of touching her luscious golden brown hair, kissing her sweet, tender, perfectly pink lips, caressing her soft, tear stained cheeks. Even when she was crying, to Justin, she was beyond perfect. 

Justin would never admit it, but he cried when Acacia sobbed in the late hours of the night. Some were louder than others, that didn't stop Justin from crying, though. All he wanted to do was protect her and love her. He's giving up his own beating heart for this girl that's petrified by him. Justin didn't often pray, but when he did, it was always for Acacia. He would pray for all of her pain to disappear and for her to live happily ever after. Even if that meant he would have to be vanished from this earth for forever. His heaven would be seeing such a beautiful human being so happy like she needs to be.

It was another late night and everyone went to bed. Justin haven't been able to sleep well without Acacia by his side. He was lucky if he even got a wink. So, as usual, Justin crept down the stairs as quiet as he possibly could and walked to the room Acacia confined herself in. It took a lot for Justin to not beat down that door and get his girl back, but he knew he needed to let her heal. This was true love to Justin. Acacia will never just be some random girl he kidnapped for the hell of it. She left a permanent stain on Justin's heart that can never be erased nor did Justin want it to be erased.  

Justin placed his head gently against the door and heard silence. A small smile appeared on Justin's face as he heard his precious angel sleep for once. She was usually awake by now, sobbing in what seemed like everlasting pain. 

So many times Justin wanted to run in and cradle the mentally and physically wounded girl. Justin's crew often topped him, though, reminding Justin that Acacia still needs time to process all of this. 

This time was different, though. He would always slightly open the door, wanting to go in and be with Acacia, but backed out last minute. He didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was. 

"Dammit, I'm doing it this time." Justin thought to himself. "I need Acacia. I need to spend my last days with her. Then I'll be gone forever, not causing her anymore pain."

Justin hesitated before slowly turning the door handle, letting himself into Acacia's little sanctuary. Justin's heart was racing so fast that he was worried Acacia would wake up to the loud thumping. He obviously didn't want to disrupt her sweet slumber. 

The moon casts a perfect spotlight upon Acacia's helpless body. She has gotten so thin, so weak. Her naturally tan skin was slowly turning a light pale. She was lacking water and nutrition. Even though she looked so fragile, Justin still stared at her with such love. She lit the spark within his heart with just a simple breath. Justin didn't quite understand it, but he didn't question it, either. He just assumed this is what utterly love feels like.  

Justin adored Acacia's body for a few seconds before making the decision to climb in bed with her. As much as he tried to contain himself, he couldn't. Once his body laid beside Acacia's, he quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

Acacia awakened in panicked, quickly pushing Justin off of her.

"Get off of me!" Acacia cried. 

"Acacia, it's me! Justin! I'm not here to hurt you!" Justin exclaimed. 

"Yes you are! Leave! I don't want you here!" Acacia sobbed. 

Justin's heart ached. He felt like a bottomless pit as his heart was beginning to fade away into the thin air.  

"No, Acacia. No more playing "Mr. Nice Guy." You're my capture. You obey me," Justin picked up crying Acacia. "You're coming back to me."

"No! Let me go!" Acacia demanded. 

Justin ignore Acacia's pleading as he carried her to his room. She punched and slapped his back as hard as she possibly could, but it was no use compared to Justin's strength. He carried her all the way up the stairs and into their bedroom. Then he laid Acacia down on the bed, quickly laying next to her. Her sobs became muffled as Justin held her tightly to his chest. 

"Let me go," Acacia cried. "Please?"

Justin looked down at the helpless girl. 

"If only you knew, Acacia.." Justin mumbled quietly to himself as a tear slipped from his right eye. 

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