Chapter Twenty

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-Kay's P.O.V.-

The car ride was somewhat decent besides the muffled cries of my sister. I was pretty calm. I already knew what to expect from watching too much Criminal Minds. This fucked up dude is going to make us do what he desires or else we die. My sister was good at following rules so she would be able to live longer than me. As you probably already know, I'm not good at listening. I only do stuff when I want to.

The cars passed by, unaware of the fact that me and India we're back here, trapped. Until our faces make it on the news- which I doubt ever will -no one will care to look for us. People are barely trying to find that one girl that's been kidnapped. Her name is Acacia and this asshole probably killed her off. He must be a member of "The Red Bulls."

We finally got to our destination. I must say, the house is pretty big. Not mansion big but it's not far from it. The man stopped the car and looked back at us.

"Home sweet home, ladies." He chuckled, thinking he's so damn funny.

We just glared at him and his arrogance.

He got out the car and opened my car door first. I climbed out the car with my sister not far behind. The midnight air hit our face like a ton of bricks. Our breaths formed smoke each time we exhaled air.

The man started walking towards the front door, fiddling his keys to find the right one to unlock the door as he whistled. I followed him but my sister stayed put. We looked back at her.

"Are you coming or am I going to have to force you?" The man growled. 

She shook her head. By the look on her face, you could tell she rather let the freezing cold murder her than this douche bag and I'm in the same vote except I rather him kill me than the cold. The cold is slow and painful, while he'll just put poison or a bullet through the head. It's done so quick you don't even have time to feel it.

"It wasn't an option, sweet cheeks. Now you have till the count of three to come over here or it will not end pretty for you." He warned. 

India just stood there, frozen. Her eyes met mine, begging for help. But I couldn't help her. Not when I'm right beside the crazy bastard.


She didn't budge.


Still didn't move.

"Two and a half."

I gave India look that screamed "c'mon, India. Run you idiot!"

"Two and three quarters."

She's dead meat.


They both bolted off running. My heart started beating quickly. I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to run off too but I knew he would catch my sister and she needs me. We're losing everything and the last thing she needs is to lose me too. I'm the only one who is going to experience the same kind of torture she is. 

God, please let us be okay.

-India's P.O.V.-

I ran as fast as I could. Away from here, away from the fire pit of hell he was going to make us go through. My feet dug through the snow as I ran. My light red hair danced in the December wind. The man was close behind me. I could feel his demonic presence catching up to me so I picked up the pace.

Running, running, running. That's all we were doing. I looked back to see him behind me so I picked up the pace a tiny bit more until I hit a stop sign. I fell to the ground with a bad headache slowly coming on. I was slowly picked up off the ground and over the man's shoulder.

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