Chapter Thirty Three

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-Acacia's P.O.V.-
I wake up in Justin's arms like always. His breathing was calm and peaceful, looking so adorable. But something was different about him. His grip around me was tighter than usual and he was starting to toss and turn. He was having a nightmare.

"Acacia! Don't hurt Acacia!" He yelled in his sleep. I quickly shake him awake. "Justin! Justin, baby wake up." I say frantically when it occurred to me. I called him "baby." Thank the Lord that he didn't hear me.

"Justin." I say again, shaking him. His eyes shoot open as he sits up, his breathing was rapid. Sweat formed on his forehead as he looked for me. A smile of peace formed on his lips, his breathing returning to normal.

"Are you okay?" He asked before kissing the top of my head. I nod.  

"What was your dream about?" I asked as he gets out of bed.

"Nothing that your little brain needs to worry about." Justin says as he ruffles my messed up hair. 

"Little brain?"

Justin chuckled.

"You know what I meant."

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?"

"Now, that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?"

I pout, crossing my arms.

"Quit your pouting and go to sleep. We are almost there and we need rest."

I let out a sigh and follow Justin's orders. I honestly did not mind sleeping next to Justin. Having nice strong arms wrapped around me is not a bad way to live, right? Besides, I am trying to show some gratitude to Justin. He is taking me to a secret location that he claims that I love. I should at least show some appreciation. 

"I love you, baby girl." Justin says as he kisses my forehead. 

I gave him a small smile. 

I'm trying to do the same, Justin. Trust me.

-Kay's P.O.V.-

"I'm hungry." I groaned after being in the car for five hours. We still had another two hours to go and the sun has already rise. I don't know what Jason's plan was nor did I want to know. It will just haunt my mind and make me queasy. 

"We're going to stop for gas in a minute. Go get yourself something." 

I nod and listened to the music that was blasting through his car. Since I liked rock and rap, his music selections didn't bother me. Jason merged onto a exit before running a red light to quickly turn right. I look at him.

"The light was red, you know?" 

"I know." 

"Then why didn't you stop?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" 

I kept my mouth shut. There was no winning with Jason McCann. It's either his way or the highway. We pulled up to the gas station, Jason stopping at a pump. He took out his wallet and handed me two twenty dollar bills. 

"Get me a pack of smokes while you're in there." He demanded as he got out the car, slamming the door behind him. 

I did as he ordered and walked towards the gas station store. I automatically went to the back of the store to get me a Pepsi. I got Jason one as well because I figured he would be thirsty. I then went to the food aisle, picking out some Takis along with hot Cheetos. 

A creepy man walked inside, giving me goosebumps. His bald head and gray stubble beard stood out the most. He smirked at me before making his way into the aisle I was in. I wish Jason was in here right now to protect me. I know he had to see this dude walk inside. We're the only ones here. 

"Hey, little girl." The man spoke, stroking my hair.

Goosebumps formed on the back of my neck. My body turned stiff. I wanted to run but I couldn't. My feet were nailed to the ground.

"Get away from me, you creep." I spat.

He chuckled, stroking my hair some more.

"That's cute that you think you scare me." I glared at him.

I tried to show no fear in my eyes. That's the one thing Jason taught me was to never show fear in your eyes no matter how terrified you are. In all honesty, I was petrified. The one time I need Jason's patience to run thin, it's not. He should've been in here by now. 

The man wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into his gut. He pulled out a gun, putting it to my head.

"You make a sound, you die. Got it?" He warned, cocking the gun.

I nod, trying so hard to obey. He dragged me to the check out counter, his hands reeking with the smell of oil. The teenage boy about the same age as me eyes got big once he saw the gun towards my head.

"Get me a pack of cigarettes." The man ordered.

The boy did what he was told, rushing to find a pack of cigarettes.

"Here-ere yo-you go si-sir." The boy stuttered, sliding the pack of smokes to the man.

"Thanks, kid." The creepy man smirked before turning to go out the door when Jason was standing there, a gun pointing towards the man's forehead.

"Going somewhere?" Jason asked, arching an eyebrow.

The creepy man smirked.

"Look who it is, Jason McCann." 

"Let her go, Ernest."

"And if I don't?"

"I will blast your brains out." 

Jason's eyes met mine, giving me comfort before looking back at Ernest. Ernest smiled evilly at Jason before pointing towards the gun at Jason. I quickly got out of his grip and ran to Jason's side, clutching onto his waist. He wrapped his arm around me, his cold black leather jacket touching my face. But I didn't care. I'm just happy I'm with him.

"I think you're done here, Ernest." Jason smirked.

Ernest just laughed.

"I will be once your dead."

And with that, a gunshot went off with a bullet right through the skull. My eyes were closed so I didn't see who was shot. I didn't want to know. I wanted to live in the illusion that Jason is the standing survivor. 

I was soon lifted into someone's arms with my face being in their neck. His cologne was the familiar scent I always loved making my worries disappear. I wrapped my arms around Jason's neck as he ran one of his hands up and down my back while the other was just below my butt to support my weight. My emotions overflowed as tears spilled down my face. 

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." Jason's raspy voice coo'd. 

I just kept crying, actually not wanting Jason to let me go as I was trembling in fear. I appreciate Jason being there for me during this moment. I guess he really did mean it when he was there to protect me. I know that Ernest was doing it because of Jason, but Jason still protected me and I can appreciate that. 

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