Chapter Two

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I'm going to die.  

That's a positive thing, right? It's better than being tortured for forever. He'll have sex with me than be done with me. A bullet through my skull or drugs to put me to sleep. Whatever he desires, I just don't want to be tortured for long. I never thought I be happy about dying. I mean, death is a scary thing in my opinion. But looking at the circumstances, what else do I have to look forward to? 

Of course, I don't have a say in the matter. I'll probably be here forever and live in never ending misery.

He turns on his blinker at the stop sign before taking a right. I was surprised he actually cared to use his blinker. Is he trying to improve his driving skills?


I know better than to get my hopes up. I gaze over at Justin who's position never changed, his attention stayed on the road. Where was he going?    

Why do I even care? I'm going to die anyways. I wanted to speak but no words would come out.

"Justin?" I mumble quietly.   

"Hmm?" He said, keeping his caramel eyes on the road, arching a eyebrow to let me know he was listening.   

"Where are we going?" I say softly, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.   

"None of your concern at the moment." He said harshly. I nod, keeping quiet. I'm not going to fight with a bipolar freak.

We have been driving down this gravel road for twelve minutes and it feels like we are in the middle of nowhere. He is a killer so I guess that makes sense. He doesn't want to be seen by the cops.   

The fact I am in a car with well known felon made me my stomach twist in knots. Why me of all people have to be kidnapped? I am a good girl with good grades. I've never hurt anyone purposely or out of spite. Is this karma? I have been through enough hell in my life. I don't need a killer helping me out.  

"Uh, can I ask a favor from you?" I mumble quietly. 

He looked at me. His left hand was on top of the steering wheel, his right lightly gripping at the bottom. 

"You're asking for a favor? From me?" He managed to say before he roared into laughter. 

My cheeks turned red in embarrassment. How stupid am I to ask him for a favor?    

"Well?" He pondered, breaking my thoughts. 

"Well what?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. 

"What's your favor?" He asked, putting his right hand on the gear shift, switching the gears. His left hand stayed hanging off the top of the wheel. His eyes stayed perfectly locked on the road.

"Oh, uh..never mind." I muttered, knowing what I was going to ask was stupid.   

I could tell me not cooperating pissed him off cause his jaw clenched tight. 

"Tell me, dammit." He spat, venom dripping with every word he spoke.   

"Wh-when you ki-kill m-me, will you-you ma-make it qui-quick?" I stuttered on the verge of tears. Saying the words meant it really sunk in. 

I am going to die.

A chuckle escaped Justin's lips before he realized I was serious.

"Who said I was going to kill you, little lady?" Justin gazed at me, arching an eyebrow. 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.   

"But that's what you did to the other ones?" I say, a little proud of myself for not stuttering. 

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