Chapter Sixteen

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Flash and his capture went straight to his room. We all knew where this was leading for him. I couldn't help but wonder what Derick meant by all the harsh words he said. It was stuck on replay in my mind. I know Justin can be an asshole, but Derick doesn't stand a chance against Justin. I just don't want anybody hurt.

Me and Justin sat on the couch, watching films. My head laid in his lap as his fingers gently stroke my soft hair. His feet was up on the coffee table, his gaze on the television. I liked it this way. Just me and him. No interruptions. Just peaceful.   


"Yes?" I say, giving him my attention.

Justin's fingers still ran through my hair, his stare on the television.

"Why did you stay?" He asked, not breaking his gaze.

I looked up at him.

"Honestly, I don't know." I muttered, looking back at the TV.   

I heard Justin sigh and felt his gaze shift down to me but I didn't meet his orbs.

"Can I say what I think about the situation?"  

I nod, still keeping my gaze on the TV.   

"I think deep down inside you, you love me. You can't show it because of well, I'm a asshole. But you will. Deep down inside you know you love me." He smiled.  

"I'm trying." I mumbled.   

Justin kissed my temple.  

"That's all I'm asking for." He smiled. 

I really am trying to love Justin. He had many flaws but he could be a good guy if he really tried. I know he's a dangerous killer, but I'm trying to overlook that. I have no other choice than this. I'm forever stuck under his grasp. 


"Yes?" Justin hummed, looking down at me.

Our eyes met, locked upon each other.   

"If I try to love you, can you try to be nicer to me?" I asked, looking away. I didn't want to see his face if it's a face of rejection.  

"I'm trying, baby. I'll do anything to make you happy."  

A small smile appeared on my face.

We continued watching TV. He handed me the remote and I changed it through channels. I put it on Disney Channel when my old favorite Christmas specials were on. A laugh escaped Justin lips as he saw the channel I put it on. He looked down at me with a cheesy grin on his face and his eyebrow arched. 

"Disney Channel, huh?" He laughed.  

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little.  

"Yeah, I love Disney Channel!" I squeaked.  

He rolled his eyes playfully before smiling.   

"God, you're such a kid!" He exclaimed.  

I playfully glared at him before sticking my tongue out. 

I turn my attention back to the TV. I giggled a few times when funny parts of the show came on, making Justin chuckle as well. Our show was soon interrupted by Flash and his capture coming out the room. Justin looked at them, smirking as Flash was still buckling his black skinny jeans and his hair all messed up. 

"So, I'm guessing you two had fun 'talking'?" Justin smirked, putting air quotes for the word 'talking.'   

Flash glared at him while his capture hid behind him, embarrassed. Oh, Justin and his ways. 

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