Chapter Eleven

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Me and Justin walk down the stairs where all the guys were waiting for us. Everyone looked at us except Derick. His mind was somewhere else. Everyone's was, honestly. Just Derick was deep in la la land or he was deeply hurt by me. Probably both.

"Ready?" Justin asked.

All the boys groaned a "yeah" and we headed out to the van. You're probably thinking it's one of those creepy white vans that kidnap children. Well, you're right. Except they don't kidnap children. They keep weapons and carry everyone that was in the gang when they go on big business trips. Which Justin tried to avoid bringing them places because the boys fought like children on who got shotgun. All except Derick. Derick stayed quiet and kept to himself. I must say, he was the black sheep of the crew. He always kept quiet. Maybe because Justin was such an ass to him.

Crash, Flash, and Dash were arguing over front seat as they all raced to the van. Justin was locking the house and rolling his eyes as he saw the boys fight. Derick just stood awkwardly next to me. He wouldn't dare make eye contact with me. Especially with Justin around. Justin probably would tear his brains out and feed off it. I tried to avoid Derick's presence.

Should I say something to him?

Derick, I'm sorry that I'm Justin's capture.

No, no. That just rubbing it in his face that I am Justin's capture. It wouldn't change anything.

Derick, I'm sorry that Justin is such a douche.

True, but still not a good apology.

Derick, I'm sorry that I'm not good at apologies and there's no chance that we'll ever be together.

Yeah, I'll shut up.

The boys were still arguing over shotgun, making Justin pissed.

"Hey!" Justin screamed over the fighting men, making them freeze in awkward position because they were wrestling.

Well, let me rephrase that. Flash and Dash were wrestling, Crash just caught it all on camera.

"You're all acting like children! All of you in the back of the van. Now." Justin demanded, snatching Crash's phone out of his pale hands.

"Dude, what the hell?" Crash hissed.

"You'll get this back later when you all stop acting like children." Justin growled, pointing to the three men. He placed Crash's phone deep in his pants pocket.

Crash rolled his eyes.

"You aren't our fucking father! Now give me back my phone!" Crash spat, balling up his fist.

Justin laughed at his statement.

"Ha! Yeah, right. I practically raised you all since you were teenagers. If it wasn't for me, you all would be in jail! I took you all under my wing and not to mention, you all fight over dumb shit all the damn time!" Justin countered.

Crash rolled his light green orbs and stomped to where me and Derick were standing.

"Baby, get in the front with me." Justin said, calmly but with order.

I nod and walk to the front of the van, climbing into the front passenger seat. Justin got in the drivers seat, igniting the ignition and backed out the driveway. I stared out the window as we made our way to the mall. I never really went to the mall but a few times. My parents didn't really have much money but we had enough to pay the bills. At least until daddy died. Me and my mom would move from house to house, sometimes staying with my grandmother until she passed.

I sigh, tears filling my eyes. Justin patted his hand on my knee so I bring my focus back to him.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked concerned. I nod my head.

"Yeah, just thinking." I mumbled.

Justin rubbed his hand slowly up and down my leg.

"I'm here if you want to talk." He reassured me.

I nod again.

"Thank you."

We finally get to the mall after hearing countless stupid jokes and immature fart noises. Such children. I'll ask Justin later the story behind how the "Red Bulls" became the "Red Bulls." We all climb out the van, Derick being the last to get out. I follow behind him to meet Justin. Justin snakes his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his hard chest. He put a big sloppy kiss on the top of my head before mumbling a I love you.

I kept quiet because I don't love him.. yet. My feelings keep changing and it's so confusing. I'm trying to love Justin since I'm his capture but Derick is so sweet and caring. Maybe it's best if I stay away from Derick so I can force myself to love Justin.

We walked inside the mall and the smell of food hit my senses.

"Okay, what store first?" Justin asked as everyone came inside the mall.

"Well, first we need a Christmas tree and Christmas decorations." I smile.

"Well then lets go to a place with Christmas decorations." Justin smiled. I nod and we went to every store we could find with decorations.

After three hours of shopping and Justin breaking up the boys from fighting, we went to the van. Derick stayed quiet still, not a single word falling out his lips. I wanted to speak to him or have one moment alone with him but we all know, Justin wouldn't allow that. He was too busy asking me every single thing about Christmas. I didn't mind but on the same token, he was annoying. What was even more annoying than that was the endless times Justin had to "father" the boys. They were getting into everything. Justin must not take them out much and which I don't blame them. I don't even understand how Justin trust them with a gun!

The drive home was pretty quiet. Nobody really said anything. Flash was too busy listening to his iPod. Dash and Crash were watching funny viral videos on Dash's phone since Justin still has Crash's phone, and Derick just was daydreaming out the window. I was doing the same as Derick. I wonder if he thinks of me. He said he liked me so he must think of me every once in awhile.

We got back to the house. I helped the boys carry in all the Christmas decorations and extra stuff that we did not need. Justin spent way too much money and no matter how many times I tried to persuade him not to buy this much stuff, he didn't listen. Plus he bought me like a whole wardrobe of clothes since he was sick of me borrowing his clothes. I picked out clothes I liked and Justin picked out clothes he would like me to wear. Yeah, his choices and mine are way different. I like casual skinny jeans with a cute t-shirt while Justin liked crop tops and clothes that showed things that shouldn't. Oh, Justin.

We decorated the house and put up a Christmas tree. Crash and Dash wrapped the Christmas lights around the tree while Justin helped me wrap lights around the staircase railing. Flash just sat back and played his guitar. Derick, well he just stayed in his room. My thoughts of last night haunted my memory. I really hurt him and now he's avoiding me. I don't even have to worry about trying to get close to him because he'll never get close to me.

You won, Justin. Congratulations.

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