Chapter Thirteen

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Traffic towards the mall was terrible and that wasn't the worse part. The worse part was Justin's complaining. I swear, this boy has zero patience. He had the word tattooed under his right ear but still, he had none. After about five minutes of not moving and Justin's complaining, I've had enough.

"Can you please just shut up? Good God, you complain more than a five year old!" I exclaimed, agitated.  

He glared at me.  

"What did you just call me?" Justin sneered.  

I gulped. I was scared, I must admit, but I have to stand my ground.

"I told you to shut up!" I squeaked, trying to raise my voice but Justin just laughed at my failure. 

"That's cute, sweetheart." He joked, patting my knee with his huge hand.  

I rolled my eyes. Curse me and my adorableness. 

The traffic finally started moving and we soon got to the mall. Now, for the next challenge; trying to find a parking spot. This should be fun. 

Ten minutes of swerving in the parking lot and Justin cursing under his breath who stole his parking space. We finally got a decent spot and we hopped out the car. Justin had his all black leather jacket on with a cigarette hanging out his mouth, smoking escaping his parted lips as he pulled the cigarette away with his left hand. I walked over to him so we could walk hand in hand. Once we got up to the mall entrance, Justin finished his cigarette, stomping it into the ground. 

He opened the door for me, holding it until I was safely inside.  

"Thank you." I smiled.  

Justin shot a smile back at me before stepping inside, grabbing my hand and opening the next set of doors for me. I walk inside with Justin very close behind. Christmas music filled the air, along with children screaming and crying. Doesn't that just get you in the holiday spirit?

I could tell Justin didn't want to be here. He didn't like being in crowded places, especially with screaming children. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as his grip on my hand got tighter.   

I could tell he was in protective mode.   

"Yeah, just a lot of people." Justin mumbled.  

I nod, understanding where he was coming from considering he is a murder that a lot of people knew about. 

"So what store you want to go to first?" Justin asked, changing the subject.  

I shrugged, "anywhere." 

"Well, what do you like? I'll buy you anything you want." Justin smiled.  

I smiled, but shook my head.  

"I really don't need anything, Justin. I just want you and your boys to have a Christmas like most people do." I say truthfully.   

He chuckled.  

"As much as we appreciate the thought, babe. We don't celebrate the holidays. Not with this kind of lifestyle." Justin sighed.   

My smile turned into a frown.  

"Why not?" I asked, curiously as we walked into the crowd of people.   

But when I was with Justin, his arm protectively around me, the world faded away. I felt safe and no one in the outside world would could harm me when his presence was around. I know that's a weird thing to say considering of all the things he's done to me and there's no excuse for the cruel things he did to me, but one thing Justin was good at is protecting people.

"Because we got bigger stuff to worry about than holidays." Justin explained as we walked.  

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked as we made our way into the food court of the mall.  

A huge decorated Christmas tree with red ribbon surrounding it with silver glitter to top it off. Many red and silver ornaments dangled from this beautiful tree. It reminded me of my tree back at home. It was nowhere to the size of this one, but it was a nice size tree. 

"Because you wanted to celebrate Christmas, so we're doing it." Justin spoke, interrupting my depressing thoughts.  

A small smile crept upon my lips.  

"Thank you." I mumbled.  

He just smiled as we kept on walking. We walked by some televisions Best Buy had in their display window. It was playing the news. We were just going to walk past it when I heard my name. Me and Justin froze. We slowly walked back to the flat screen TVs to hear the news woman talk.

"Police are still on the search for Acacia Davis. It's been two days since her disappearance and no one has seen any sign of her. Flyers have been posted all over Ontario and still, no word on this suspicious kidnapping. Could it be "The Red Bulls" once again?"

I looked over at Justin who's eyes are glued to the biggest flat screen. I knew we needed to get out of here. As much as I would love to be found, I knew Justin would just find me somehow. Police never could catch Justin. He was too smart to leave any trace of evidence behind. I was very familiar with his work and to know all of the stuff he has done, I know there's no way they'll catch him for kidnapping me. 

Justin spoke no words as he dragged me along from the way he came. I could tell he was angry but I wasn't going to even ask. I already knew his reasons. We stormed past people, bumping into a few. I kept saying sorry to them as Justin just dragged me right along. 

"Justin! Justin! Let go! You're hurting me!" I whimpered as we walked outside. He let go of my arm, leaving a red mark from where his grip was so tight.   

"Fucking dammit!" Justin yelled, kicking a near by trash can for cigarettes only. People started staring, making my cheeks flame red. 

"Justin, I know you're angry but right now is not the time to create a scene." I sigh, trying to stop him from kicking more things.  

But even with my pleading and encouragement, I knew it wouldn't work. Justin kicked the snow that got piled up in the corner as he grumbled more curse words under his breath. I just sighed and let him get his anger out. There was no sense in trying to stop him when he's acting like this. 

He finally calmed down a little to where we could rationalize the situation. We went to his car, hard rock blaring out his speakers. He backed out the parking space, almost hitting someone. He glared at them through the review mirror before flooring out of the mall parking lot, leaving no trace of us behind.

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