Chapter Thirty Two

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-Kay's P.O.V.-

"Kayla, wake up!" Jason whispered yelled at me, shaking my peaceful body. I opened my tired eyes to meet his angry ones.

"What-what's going on?" I asked, half asleep, rubbing my eyes with my fist before a yawn escapes my lips.

"We got places to go. Now c'mon. If we're ever gonna going to get cross the border before sunrise we need to get a move on."

  I furrowed my eyebrows together at him.  

"What do you mean we're crossing the border? Are you crazy?" I exclaimed, still tired. 

Jason was about to answer when I interrupted him.

"Don't answer my question." He nodded and I climbed out of bed about to get dressed when I looked at myself. I was already dressed. I looked at Jason.

"Did you dress me?" I spat.

"You took too damn long to wake up. Plus you girls take too long to get ready. So I saved us time. You got," he paused to look at his watch, "three minutes and forty five seconds to finish getting ready or it's not going to be pretty for you." 

"What happened to giving me ten minutes?"

"You wasted that when you took too long to get up. Now, you're at three minutes and twenty seconds so I suggest you hurry."

"Ugh, fine." I grumble as he walks down the stairs.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I groan at my appearance. How does Jason even like me looking like zombie? Granted, I still get on his everlasting nerves. Especially since Jason is a 'business man.' Me being too slow is an interruption of his business. 

I quickly do my hair and brush my teeth. I am curious as to why we are crossing the border, but I knew better than to question Jason. I already push my luck just by breathing.

"Kayla!" Jason called from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and jog down the stairs. Jason was pacing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for my existence to appear.

"You're ten seconds late." Jason growled.

I shrugged. "Sorry."

Jason furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Look, I don't got time for your petty bullshit. Now get in the car and don't say a word. I can't be late." I did as he asked, not wanting to push his buttons anymore than I already have.

The December air brushed my face, sending ice waves through my body. The snow crunched under my boots as I walked to Jason's car. He soon followed behind me, beating me to the car. He groaned at my 'slow' pace.

"Could you be any fucking slower?" Jason hissed.

I glared at him, clearly not in the mood for his attitude.

"Dude, it's like three in the morning. Give me a fucking break. I'm tired!" I countered.

He raised his eyebrow at me, crossing his tattooed covered arms against his chest.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

I copied his actions, making him even more irritated. Jason slowly walked up to me as I stood in place. He made a small distance with his index finger and thumb.

"You're this close to getting your ass beat. I suggest you get into the car and don't say another fucking word. Got it?"

I smiled.

"Sure thing."

-Acacia's P.O.V.-

"Why are we going to the airport so early?" I whined as we made our way to the airport at three in the morning. Justin has had so many surprises planned for me lately that I am starting to wonder why.

"None of your concern. Now keep quiet." Justin's raspy voice spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.

I was very annoyed at the fact he wasn't telling me where he was taking us. Were we fleeing the country? Did he do a crime I didn't know about?

"Justin, please tell me where we're going. Please?" I begged. 

Justin chuckled, tossing my stomach in circles as his laugh filled my ears. Even if it's just a little chuckle, I still loved it. I am still uncomfortable with these emotions. I should not be feeling this way towards Justin, but I am slowly starting to develop a crush on him. Not love, just a crush.

"Babe, you'll find out soon. Now shush. I need to think." He patted my knee and gave me a smile of reassurance so I wouldn't worry about his thoughts. But knowing me, I still worried. Why are we even doing this?

I looked at the Ontario Airport lights as they soon came into view. Part of me was very excited but another part of me was very nervous. Justin didn't even tell me we were going to the airport until he woke me up this morning. That's all the information he gave me.

Justin pulled up into the airport where security asked for his ID before we can park the car. He showed them his identification and they let him go through. I looked at him. 

"How did you get through? You're a criminal!" I exclaimed as he pulled up to a plane waiting for boarding. Justin looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, babe. You got so much to learn about me." He laughed, ruffling up my hair. 

I slap his hand away, quickly pulling down the overhead mirror and fixing my hair. Justin stopped the car before climbing out. He popped the trunk and a man got our bags, putting it into the cargo. Two other men opened the car doors for me and Justin.

"Thank you." I say, sweetly.

He smiled and nodded. I walked over towards Justin so we could walk hand in hand. 

"Make sure my car gets back to the garage safely." Justin warned, putting the fear in the poor man's eyes. I frowned at his actions which made Justin do the same.

"I wish you weren't so rude sometimes." I mumbled as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

Justin looked down at me.

"I'm not rude." He argued. I mouthed the words 'whatever' as we walked towards the plane.

"So who's all going to be on this plane?" I asked.

"Just you and me, baby." He smiled.

I felt my mouth ajar at his words. 

"You have a private jet?!" I exclaimed as he helped me board. He chuckled as the door closed behind us. The plane was absolutely beautiful. I felt like I was in the president's plane but better.

"Like it?" Justin asked, leaning against the pilot entrance with his arms and legs folded.

"Yes, it's amazing!" I gasp.

A smile crept upon his lips.

"Good. Lets go get some rest. We got a lot to do tomorrow." Justin stated as he made his way towards me.

"But I'm not even tired anymore." I muttered as we made our way towards a room in the back of the plane where it had a bed waiting for me and Justin.

"You'll fall asleep eventually. Lay down." He ordered, softly but still firm. I sigh and do what I was told like always. Justin laid beside me as he hummed soft melodies in my ear, sleep soon finding its way to me once again.

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