Chapter Eleven

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When I came back to I heard the sound of screaming and I soon realised it was my own. Someone's arms were around me and I felt completely separated from anyone else in them. It was so safe here, I was entirely protected in these arms that I never wanted to move. My screams eventually became loud sobs as I leant into the hard muscular arms that I realised must have been Thor's. As my screams died down I realised he was soothing me, one of his hands running through my hair as he was making quiet hushing sounds. Soon my sobs quietened as well, and I sat there in silence, tears falling down my cheeks. As I opened my eyes and had blinked the tears away I saw Steve crouching in front of me.

"It's okay Kaya. He's gone. You're safe." I nodded at his words, but pressed myself further into Thor's arms, gripping at one of his arms to make sure he didn't leave. "What happened Kaya?" Steve's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. I began to talk, stuttering through my tears.

"H-he... I-I. S-Strucker was there. And I-I was so tired. I-I'm s-sorry Steve. I-I didn't w-want to." My sobs began up again as I remembered the terrified girl, how she relaxed into me so trustingly.

"I think that is enough for now, Rogers." Thor responded before I was lifted into his arms. Unable to protest, I grabbed onto his shirt to hold onto him as he carried me to my room. Instead of lying me down in my bed, he walked over to the sofa and held me in his lap until I had fully calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I just... the things he showed me... I–" His hand brushed my arm in a soothing motion as I tried to talk.

"It is okay, you do not have to talk about this with me." I nodded, relieved that he wasn't going to push this any further. I couldn't think about it anymore, it was too raw of a wound and I did not want to force myself to relive it anytime soon. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him whilst I thanked him for comforting me before rising from his lap and sitting at the other end of the sofa. I noticed a soft smile on his face, but also the sadness in his eyes. "Would... would you like to spend some time with me? We could watch Point Break?" His eyes lit up at the suggestion, and I thought that he was perhaps lonely here in the tower as I readied the film up. He always had such a kind and happy attitude around everyone, spending little time truly alone. I had overheard that he was dating a scientist from New Mexico called Dr. Jane Foster, but in his month staying on Earth I was yet to meet her. Halfway through the movie he looked over to me in confusion.

"This play is very good, but I am yet to understand why Tony refers to me as Point Break." I laughed softly at his words, refusing to correct his words and explain the concept of movies. It was simply far too cute to think of them as movies.
"I believe it's because of your appearance, your hair is long like the character Bodhi. It isn't his most inventive nickname." I shrugged before continuing. "It isn't very common in modern America for men to have long hair, although it does happen and can be common among certain cultures and races."

"In Asgard all warriors wear long hair. It resembles strength and power as well as your status in Asgard." We continued watching the film to the end, when he looked up and asked if we could watch another one.

I scrolled through the films and selected one entitled Safe House, believing Thor may enjoy action more than any genre following his love for Point Break. It was an educated guess, but one that seemed to stick as he watched the film intensely. He was exclaim his feelings over the actions taking place and I couldn't help but smile at his actions. It was nice to see someone enjoy watching films so much. I had settled down and relaxed next to him, not fully noticing how I had leant into his side. Eventually and naturally, he put an arm around me. It was an unusual feeling to be this close to him, this comfortable. I realised I did not wish to pursue him even if Dr. Foster was out of the picture, feeling little more than close friendship with him. Nevertheless, he was extremely attractive, I doubted anyone could deny that. I felt a small heat in my cheeks as a blush spread.

"Thor... I heard that you were dating someone?" I pried gently. He smiled sadly as I did, clearly remembering the woman.

"Jane is a marvellous and smart woman. I wished I could spend more time at her side. Alas, the Norns have decided two different paths for us. She is working across the globe, and I have the burden of the throne as well as the responsibility for the wellbeing of the nine realms."

"You do not want the throne?" I asked surprised at his willingness to give up such an honour. He shook his head softly.

"One day the title will be passed to me, Loki has ensured such an outcome. But I do not wish to sit on the throne. I am a warrior, not the best for understanding politics and ruling."

We watched the rest of the film in a comfortable silence until one of the main characters were waterboarded. My chest tightened and I tensed as more memories spread over me like ice. Thor noticed the change immediately and looked towards me. I brushed it off as I focused on my breathing. I think he had made the connection between the images on the tv and the sudden change in mood as he offered to turn it off. I just shook my head and sank deeper down into him as I focussed on the patterns he traced over my arm. Eventually the weight of the day began to hit me. I was exhausted, physically from sparring and emotionally from the weight of my emotions. I closed my eyes, intending to open them again, but found myself more peaceful when I did and so kept them closed. I vaguely noticed the film end as a silence filled the room, and then a blanket being pulled over me as the weight under me shifted away. I softly reached out of it and smiled as a hand brushed my cheek. The last thing I felt was lips against my forehead before slumber completely consumed me. But regardless of how safe I felt awake, in my dreams the nightmares seemed to find me easily. I dreamt of the face of a small girl, one who trusted me to protect her from the monsters. The one who I had betrayed. 

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