Chapter Forty-Five

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When I began to stir in the morning I noticed the ache in my body and smiled softly. I felt perfectly sedated and completely elated from last night. Feeling somewhat relaxed, I turned in the bed to try to find a heat source that should be there. Panicking, I sat up when no one was there and was instantly surprised when I found myself in my own bed. For a brief moment I thought it was possible I had dreamt it all, but quickly realised that my body would feel this sore if that was the case. I did frown slightly at the fact he put me back in my room, but realised it was probably the best decision. If I hadn't felt so relaxed after last night I was sure I could have panicked and spiralled from giving into him. It was a delightful surprise that I didn't, that it almost felt right and natural. Sex with Loki hadn't been like anything else I'd experienced before. The way he was able to control my body, read my mind to know exactly what worked and stave off my orgasm for the right moment, all of it was incredible. I could imagine losing many evenings to this, and I hated to admit when he of all people was right, but this probably would have helped with my anger. Still, I resolved to do more research into it. Before Loki I would never have imagined that losing control would have been so freeing. So perfect. The way his hand went around my throat, the way my body would react to his praise and name-calling, and how I seemed to crave his marks on my body, it all seemed a little unusual. That is what I had resigned myself to do that morning after getting dressed, trying my best to hide the various marks across my whole body but happy that the majority of them fell beneath the collar of my avengers uniform.

It was just Steve, Tony, and Nat around the breakfast table when I went to brew my tea and grab various bits of fruit to eat.

"Morning!" I chirped happily at them. Tony tilted his head ever-so slightly and squinted his eyes at me when I sat down.

"You are unusually chipper today, Kaya." Nat stated with a knowing smile, clearly thinking I had been with Thor last night. I shrugged, not wanting to lie to her directly anymore but also not wanting to reveal I'd been with Loki.

"Let's just say I had a wonderful night." She smirked at me at the same time Steve stiffened and cast his eyes down. "Sorry, gramps." I muttered at his own discomfort causing Tony to laugh.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, kid. I have to say we were getting close to taking drastic measures so I'm glad you are feeling better." I smiled at him, slightly embarrassed that I'd clearly caused some issues.

"'Superhero Sectioned', it makes for a good headline I have to say." I smirked before getting on with eating my watermelon. The other three dived back into their conversation about a meeting with SHIELD later and I had to say I was listening intently. It always interested me when they decided to come all the way here for a meeting because it was always important. It also meant that they wanted something from us, and I could use this as leverage to get back on the field. I was sick and tired of being excluded from the team now. I was the best at melee fighting and made for a good assassin just like Nat. Plus by not working with my shields they left themselves completely exposed.

"Well, the meeting is in ten, and Fury is saying everyone should be there." Tony muttered something else under his breath, but my grin just spread as I quickly put my dishes away and joined the other two who made their way to the room early.

"You are definitely planning something, you hate these meetings." I smirked at her.

"What, me? No, I love a meeting." She laughed at my heavy sarcasm as the doors opened. I hadn't expected for there to be SHIELD agents here already. Forgetting how uneasy Director Fury made me, I lost my bravado when I made eye contact with him. I'd met the man exactly one time, and it was near the beginning of my stay here when he had questioned me about Hydra. It wasn't a pleasant conversation, and I could tell in his scowl that he still didn't trust me after all this time. Or perhaps he saw me as a liability from reports of my last mission, who knows. All I was certain of was that he wasn't happy I was here, and that meant one thing. He knew I was going to get clearance for this mission, and he was actively trying to prevent that from happening. The realisation made me gain back some confidence and I sat closest to him with my feet up on the table.

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