Chapter Sixty-Four

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We landed on a private airstrip, relieving the pressure of people arriving at the airport. By now people knew that a jet took off from the compound and was heading towards D.C. and we had received word that several journalists were outside of the hotel we were booked into under Tony's name. When we were in the car Alex was barking instructions to various people through his comms. We would have to wear them throughout the day to make sure nothing happened.

Nothing bad will happen, pet. If there is any danger I'll teleport us out of there. Relax, your anxiety is only going to worsen if you don't attempt to control it. In silence, he conjured a travel cup and handed it to me. I smiled up at him, noticing the floral scent of the tea. I forced myself to take some deep breaths as I sipped the tea, and it did work to somewhat calm me down. Then we arrived at the hotel, and I noticed just how many people were there with cameras and microphones. Honestly, when joining the Avengers this wasn't something I thought I would ever be doing. Thankfully, there was a line of access through them that couldn't be crossed due to private property laws. Then in a flash of green Loki disappeared beside me and opened the door of the car. I raised my eyebrow up at him, silently questioning but taking his hand nevertheless. He smiled down at me as he helped me out of the car and then took my arm in his.

"We may not be on Asgard, but I still think you look like a princess." He whispered into my ear as he closed the door behind me.

I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks from his remarks as I cast my eyes down. He laughed that deep teasing laugh which only deepened my blush. I vaguely noticed Alex watching us as he talked to another guard, but could barely care at the current moment. Trust Loki's plan to distract me from everything. Harmless mischief indeed. We walked towards the hotel doors and the entire time he was making conversation with me. Discussing the outfits in detail, telling me how excited he was for me to see mine and making sure I knew how he had a large part of the design. Then swiftly moving to lunch, how we should order room services and definitely get something sweet. I made little remarks the entire walk to the front doors, partly because he never gave me time to think at all. His voice echoed in my head, talking to my mind at the same time so that all other voices were completely drowned out. At no point could I focus on what the reporters and journalists were yelling, and as soon as I noticed I beamed up at him. He didn't look at me, but the corner of lips lifted slightly as realised I was. I thanked him softly as he opened the door for me and let me step through in front of him. Alex was the one who walked up to the desk, leaving Loki and I in the lobby. The other guard was saying outside of the door for now, meaning for a brief second we were alone.

"Thank you, that meant a lot." Then there was a brief flash of an intense emotion in his mind that echoed into mine through our link. It felt like guilt. My suspicions only rose further when he closed the mental link between us as his shields snapped back into place.

I had no time to question him as we were then ushered up to the suite the three of us would share. In reality, it was practically a whole floor of the compound. We all had our own bedrooms and bathrooms but were connected through a communal living space. It was large and luxurious, and I wished I had time to explore it further. I did however take the flute of champagne from the counter and happily sipped it as I pulled up footage of our arrival. Alex gave us some space as he made his way to what I assumed was his room to take a phone call. I chose to watch the footage from one of the friendlier news sites, they were more favourable about all of us, defending many members against the outrageous attacks of other news sites. Still, they were cautious about Loki's presence and many questioned if he had changed. If he was mind-controlled at all.

"Those photos aren't too bad." I leant slightly against him before realising Alex could come back any moment. I paused the broadcast before studying the photos that they had taken. He wasn't wrong, we both looked relaxed and happy in them.

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