Chapter One-Hundred and Ten

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Pain radiated across my bruised body as I fell to my back, the cold tip of a sword at my neck. I groaned, rolling to my side as I clutched my body on my left where it hurt the most. Last night had left me with many bruises on my body and some were quite sore. I think that's what he wanted. A reminder throughout my day that I belonged to him. Still, combined with the muscle ache I already felt from intensive training, it was difficult to match Sif's pacing. I found myself on the floor a lot that morning.

"You're still fighting with anger, Lady Kaya." Sif retreated back to her starting point, waiting for me to get up off of the floor. "You are too distracted, too rushed and the grip on your shield is still weak." I groaned as I stretched before picking up the katana and shield. I tried to take a deep breath and calm myself as I took my stance. It didn't help much. I lasted longer, but it was not enough. It was also likely Sif was holding back. I suspected if she gave her all I wouldn't have gotten nearly as far. As always, I ended up on my back. This time the sword over my heart instead of at my neck. I groaned out in discomfort as Sif laughed and retreated slightly.

"You put up a fair fight, Lady Kaya. But you still need work." Sif held her hand out to me and helped me off the floor.

"I don't see how I'll ever make you yield, Lady Sif. But I won't stop trying." She laughed as she patted my back.

"Shame." His voice behind me put me on edge immediately. Not exactly the response you want to have to the person you love. But the hairs on my body stood on edge and an uncomfortable shiver fell across my spine. "I was looking forward to seeing my student best the great Lady Sif." I turned to face him with a stern look on my face. Various guards and staff bowed to him, even the Warriors Three put their head down to him. Sif didn't and neither did I, to which he raised an eyebrow at.

"I wonder, my Prince, how long without direct training before I'm no longer considered your student?" He seemed colder today than usual, the only emotion that showed was as his eyes landed on the black piece of fabric I had wrapped around my neck this morning.

"You aren't wearing your armour." I thought he cared about my neck, but it seems his issue was with me wearing my Avengers leather jumpsuit. Not the handprint bruise he knew was around my neck.

"I found myself feeling rather homesick, your highness."

"Is that why you decided to pick up a katana instead of using your daggers?" I sighed in annoyance, wishing to just retreat from him. Worse than that, I was angry. Furious that he would show up after leaving the bed this morning.

"I didn't want to disadvantage myself, your highness." I did my best to be polite in public, but even that seemed to enrage him.

"Brother! How nice of you to join us." He clasped Loki's back a little harder than intended, causing him to catch himself.

Loki glared at his brother, but Thor ignored him. Instead, he picked up my shield and handed it to me. His eyes glanced at the fabric around my neck. Without hesitation, he helped me put the shield back on my arm and stood behind me as he corrected my stance. Loki watched as Thor took my arms in his and kicked my legs out wider. Before he backed away, a finger moved the fabric at my neck slightly to confirm the bruise.

"It's fine, Thor." I whispered. And it was. I liked the way he fucked me, I just wished he'd been around to heal me in the morning.

"One word, Kaya. Just one." I nodded stiffly as he stepped around me with Mjølnir in his hand. He raised an eyebrow at me and swung Mjølnir around in the air.

"There is no way I can block that."

"You can. Keep your knees slightly bent and absorb the impact, Lady Kaya. Ready?" He didn't give me a chance to say no. He swung down hard on the shield and I did the best to bear with it. I was surprised the shield didn't crack, as a loud clang rang out around us with the shockwave. Excited, I smiled in shock. With a laugh, he then swung again to the side and knocked it out of my arm. "Keep focussed at all times. The answer is in the shield, my Lady." I didn't see how that could be possible. No matter how many of her swings I blocked, they always kept coming.

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