Chapter Fifty-Six

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I stirred a while later, still wrapped around his body and his hands still stroking my hair and back. As my eyes focussed, I noticed a book hovering in the air, surrounded by his green seiðr and I smiled.

"You are on Sylvia Plath already?" I murmured softly as I channelled my magic to pour myself a glass of water from my kitchenette and brought it over to the bed.

"Yes, her poetry is very interesting. Although I find myself feeling as if she was suffering." A sad smile grazed my lips as I sat up and stretched.

"Yeah. She ended up taking her life soon after writing many of those poems." There was a comfortable silence that passed between us before I excused myself to the bathroom, taking my training outfit with me as well. When I emerged, Loki was standing by the door, himself now dressed in his leather fighting robes instead of his cotton pyjamas. Both of us then walked towards the training room, making idle conversation. I was surprised to bump into Thor when we entered. It was unusual for us to be here after 12pm, but it was even weirder to see him here at all. He usually favoured throwing trees and rocks over training with people he could easily beat.

"Ah Loki! There you are. I wanted to talk about your plans for Monday!" Loki rolled his eyes as he conjured his dagger and began polishing it.

"Well considering I am not permitted back on Asgard I suppose it doesn't matter, brother." Confused, I butted in, seething my dagger in its holster as I spoke.

"What's on Monday?" I asked, Loki replying it was nothing at the same time Thor announced it was his birthday. I looked up at him surprised, but he seemed annoyed, so I just left it alone. I'd plan something for the three of us and had to hope that anything I bought him would arrive in time.

To my surprise, as we walked into the glass section of the training room, I noticed Wanda and Vision walk in as Thor left. They both walked over to Sam and Rhodey who were discussing weapons in the corner, but I noticed how Wanda seemed distracted by us.

"Okay, let's see how much you've truly improved." A mischievous smile spread over him, as he conjured a blindfold. I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to ignore the blush that it invoked. He stepped behind me and wrapped it around my eyes, sealing it in place with some seiðr as he talked.

"You can feel magic around you in the same way as I, and we both know that you are in tune with my seiðr even more so than is natural. Therefore, you should feel my movements without sight." Then he stepped away from me, and I was acutely aware of the silence that fell around us. I took a deep breath to focus, and spread my magic throughout the space. It wrapped itself around him and I realised that without my sight I was far more attuned to his movements. My magic wrapped itself around his limbs and his dagger, and it moved with him. When he lunged for me from behind, I managed to duck out of the way and connect my dagger with his, although the hit wasn't perfect. Had he pushed through, he may have been able to disarm me.

"Shit." I whispered as I backed off.

"You need to attune yourself with your weapon, Kaya. It is an extension of yourself, so act like it. Imbue the blade with your seiðr." I pushed my magic into it, feeling the metal almost hum underneath it. He was right, as usual, it was easier now to feel the dagger and took surprising little energy to maintain.

Then I launched at him, feeling him back off in surprise, almost leaving an opening to his stomach. I tried to turn to utilise this opening, but I sensed him spin out of the way before my blade connected. Before I could fully process his movements, he spun around me and lunged for my side. I managed to continue the energy from my previous attack, and turned to hit his dagger out the way of my side before connecting my right fist into his right elbow. Unfortunately for me he saw it coming and caught my right hand with his left. He used my momentum against me, spinning me around into a hold. I managed to position in time so when he pinned me against him my blade touched his side as his touched my throat. Deep laughter filled the air.

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