Chapter Thirty

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I was dancing with Sif, Thor and the Warriors Three when Loki approached us again. The presence in my head was back and so I allowed mine back into his. When I had been whisked off to the dancefloor I had removed my seiðr to provide him so privacy whilst he talked with his father. It had also been because the mead hit me harder than I realised, and I couldn't maintain the spell. But as it wore of more and more as we did this strange dance I told myself it was definitely an active choice I made. He seemed content and determined when I entered his mind again.

Come dance with us! I smiled at him and offered a hand to him. He just stood still and looked over the hall, no doubt noticing the stares I had been getting throughout the night. I heard Fandral laugh through the music and utter something about Loki never being seen on the dancefloor for peasant jigs. Ignoring him I stepped up to him and all but dragged him to us. Everyone in our group had been so relaxed without him and now tensed with him. The music quietened off before another song could start again. Then I heard a whistling of a song I did actually recognise, and I squealed softly.

"Wait is this For the Dancing and the Dreaming?" They all actively stared at me in surprise. "I love this song, it's a Midgardian film about the culture who used to worship Asgard. I never thought it was real! Wanda and I learnt the dance as a joke." I felt Loki reach into my memories and then laugh when he saw us dancing around to the song. He reached behind me and grabbed my waist and began to sing softly into my ear in a foreign language. His voice came through much softer and nicer than the band singer.

Even if I didn't recognise the words I could recognise the soft rhythm that came from the band. I had sung extremely quietly under my breath, so much so that I was surprised he could hear it. I spoke the words in English at the same time an Asgardian female singer joined in. I turned and smiled up at him as he offered his arm. I pressed my own against him and the widest mischievous grin lit up Loki's face. We danced around each other, even as it was clear the Asgardian did not dance this way to the song. He used his memories of me and Wanda to guide his steps. People began to stare at us more openly and as I twirled around Loki I noticed how Odin seemed to smile widely at the sight. We spun each other around before at the end he lifted me up. He dropped me back down to the floor and I was lost in the moment with him entirely. It was soon over though, as a new song started up and I looked over at Thor who just looked surprised.

"When we are home I can show you the film!" I exclaimed, thinking it must have been the reason for his surprise. Before he could respond Loki told Thor he would escort me to my guest quarters to get some rest and whisked me away before I could protest. When the doors closed behind me, and we were stood in the hallway I frowned and stood still.

"I'm not particularly tired Loki. I was happy dancing the night away even if I looked like an idiot." He stepped towards me and brushed back a piece of hair that had fallen from behind my braid and grazed my cheek.

"There are many things you looked like out there, Kaya. Trust me, an idiot wasn't one of them. You positively glow on Asgard. I was merely following through on your third wish. You are more than welcome to dance the night away if you wish. I thought, however, that you'd perhaps wish to see some sights."

"So, we aren't just going to bed?" He smiled and shook his head at me. He held his arm out as I felt his presence in my head leave and his shields force me to do the same. It would have worried me if I wasn't sure he just wanted to make sure it was a surprise. Without hesitation I took his arm and felt his seiðr surround us both. The cold hit my skin before I could fully recognise where we were. It was then that I noticed the palace standing far away in the middle of the city. It stood beautiful in the scenery, shining in the moonlight, and set perfectly against the night sky that glistened around it. Loki moved forward conjuring a blanket, some food and two drinks on top of it, as well as a small camping fire nearby. He gestured me to sit next to him and I followed, leaning into him for some warmth as the fire heated. We sat together in a comfortable silence as I looked at over the palace and villages that surrounded it. Loki was the first to break the silence.

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