Chapter Forty-Four

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"Again." I sighed, trying to calm my nerves as I did.

"Please fuck me sir. Please I need to feel you in me." My voice was almost a whisper as I spoke, unable to speak with the conviction he perhaps wanted. With a permanent crooked smile on his face, he walked over to me slowly, my eyes never leaving his even as I felt like I should avert my gaze.

"How is it that one of the most skilled sorceresses I've ever met, one who would stop Mjølnir mid-flight, is embarrassed by her desire?" He crouched down in front of me and now I did attempt to avert my gaze, but he brought his hand under my chin, forcing me to maintain eye-contact. "You who could, and almost did, bring Gods to their knees with desire, should never hide behind embarrassment. There is no shame in asking for what you want." Moving his finger from under my chin, he brought it across my cheek before tucking my hair behind my ear. "So, again." He commanded. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. I tried to tell myself this wasn't giving in to him completely. There was no way I would trust him outside of these encounters. Here at least his actions and motivations were somewhat clear. This I could trust him with.

"Please fuck me. I want to feel you in me, sir. I need you to fuck me."

"Stand." I followed his commands, which seemed to please him even more. He brought his hands to cup my face and pulled me to his lips. He remained so controlled, but his passion and force allowed me to get lost in the moment. I hadn't realised how hesitant I'd become, but now my desire washed over me completely. It was calming, all worries and thoughts becoming lost in the kiss. I sunk into him completely, bringing my arms around his shoulders as I happily let him take what he wanted from the kiss.

As my passion rid my mind of all embarrassment I started pressing into the kiss harder, trying to gain a sense of control. To my surprise, he didn't fight against it, instead moaning into my lips. One of my hands pulled at raven locks whilst the other held the back of his neck, securing him firmly in place and making sure he wouldn't retreat from the kiss. In response his hands graced down my body, freely exploring my curves. Eventually, he grabbed at my hips and pulled me off of the floor. My legs wrapped around his waist, and he carried me to the bedroom without his lips leaving mine. We fell together onto his mattress. My hands left his head and neck and began to run over his muscular back. Remembering how he reacted from my nails before, I scratched firmly down his back. His lips stopped moving in response as a deep groan left him. In a quick movement he captured my bottom lip with his teeth and tugged at it. With a moan, I pushed my hips up to his, moaning at the pressure when our groins met. Frustrated he was still dressed, I moved my hands to the waist of his trousers and went to tug them down. Before I could move them at all, his hands found my wrists and pushed them roughly above my head, pinning me beneath him. I groaned at the feeling, flexing my hips again. Another smile crossed his face before he pressed his lips to my neck, kissing and licking my skin in a downwards motion. When he reached the skin on my upper breast he pulled it into his mouth and began to suck and bite harshly. It felt different to when he would do the same to my neck, but still just as pleasant. I tried to prevent my hips from bucking beneath him and held them firmly against the mattress. As a result, he pressed himself firmly against me, the weight of his body and his hands still around my wrists pinning me against his bed.

When his mark was left he stared up at me and I met his gaze after briefly studying the mark. I couldn't help but get even more aroused at the sight of his mark on me, and he smiled at my thoughts.

"I've learnt quite a bit about you after observing you these past six months." His hands moved off of my wrists, but I did not move my arms which caused him to laugh deeply and seductively. Both of his hands grazed across my breasts before cupping them softly. "You crave roughness." His fingers pulled at my nipples almost painfully before rolling them in his fingers. A deep groan left me as my eyes fluttered closed and I threw my head back further into his mattress. "You enjoy how pain can add to your pleasure, it's one of the things that drew me to you." When his fingers let go I tried to steady my breathing slightly.

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