Chapter Fifty-Seven

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What do you get a man who has been alive for a thousand years and could just create anything he needed with seiðr? It was completely impossible to find the perfect gift for him, so I settled on expanding his library due to him getting to the end of the first reading list I made him. Thirty books later, and several phone calls explaining that extra would be paid for someone to pick the order up for me, I was happy that I was at least able to get him something. I smiled as I carried the boxes behind me with my magic through the Compound. Tony rolled his eyes at me,

"More books? You are aware of the library right?"

"They aren't for me..." I didn't finish my sentence, but it still hung heavily in the air. Things had somewhat improved in the compound since the meetings and my recent anxiety attack. However, no one seemed to mention Loki around me anymore in order to keep the peace. No one was ever going to see the effects of their actions, too blinded by their own experiences and trauma. It was hard because I couldn't hold onto my anger for them, knowing it came from their experiences of New York. Especially Tony, who had been hiding the true extent of his struggle thus far. Still, it didn't diminish Loki's trauma either. So, I just let people leave it alone. It hung in the room like a giant blade ready to strike, but for now it would continue to dangle over us all.

I settled in my room on Sunday night, using my magic to wrap the books in bundles of five as I examined the small bag of lingerie I bought as well. I held up the emerald chemise, feeling the silk fabric as I ran it through my fingers. It was perfectly flimsy, lace decorating the top and bottom. With a smile, I put it back in the bag and placed it in my drawers until tomorrow when I heard a knock at my door.

"One sec!" I called out as I hid the bundles of books under my bed before opening the door. Loki closed the door before leaning against the wood.

"You've been busy today, pet. I had expected you to come to me at some point." I rolled my eyes at him, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I've been working out our plans for tomorrow." He sighed, bringing his fingers up to the bridge of his nose as he walked over to my sofa.

"Why do you insist on this as well? I'm not 80, I don't need anything." He muttered as he backed into a corner and held his arms out for me to enter. I sat down and curled into him, taking a moment to get completely comfortable with him. As usual, his fingers fell into my hair, running themselves through the strands in a calming fashion.

"It's a big thing on Earth to celebrate every year. But it won't be big, just us two and Thor. I thought we could order Pizza as it seems to be one of your favourites." He muttered some more, but mostly to himself and in a mixture of English and Asgardian. After a moment or two he relaxed himself pulling me as close as he could into him.

I blushed for a moment at our closeness. We often found ourselves in such situations, even when it was clear sex wasn't going to be happening. It was best not to think about it too much, so I didn't. Instead, I pulled up our watch list, finding the first anime on the list and putting it on. And that is how I spent my evening, falling slowly asleep in his arms. I wasn't overly surprised when I awoke in my bed alone. What I was surprised at was how my alarms didn't seem to wake me. I swore as I glanced at the clock, hastily showering, and dressing before bursting into Thor's room.

"Lady Kaya!" Thor exclaimed with joy. "I called for you many times over these past hours, but you would not wake. I was getting worried, but my brother informed me he placed a spell on you to aid in your slumber." I frowned at the thought. It was 2pm now, and I was sure he intended it so it would ruin any plans we had for the day. I pulled a hairband from the subspace and tied my wet hair back with it as I spoke.

"That's okay, Thor. He'll just have to wait for his cake now, won't he?" Thor grinned at me as we made our way down to the main kitchen to bake. It was 5pm by the time we had set everything up in Thor's room and ordered the pizzas. I set the bundles of books up on the table, noticing the terribly wrapped red gift that was there from Thor. Loki was eventually dragged into the room, looking rather displeased until his eyes glanced at the table.

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