Chapter Seventy-Nine

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I didn't manage to get away until after lunch that day, mostly because Steve was still worried about me. He kept asking me questions about how I was feeling, trying to understand if I was upset about Loki and Thor leaving or if it was more side effects from before. I let him draw his own conclusions after insisting I was fine and just catching my breath didn't seem to work. I couldn't exactly tell him the truth, but it was still frustrating to lie. Even when Steve stopped asking questions I could feel his eyes on me occasionally as I pretended to watch the news Tony had on. Loki eventually sauntered down to join us for lunch around five minutes after the gruelling began and every time I looked towards him he would have this small smile on his face. It was nice to know that someone was getting enjoyment out of this situation. When I did finally find a time to leave I was hoping we would be alone. Partly because I wanted to berate Loki for leaving me there to deal with it alone. Just because I knew him leaving made the situation more excusable to Steve, didn't mean I was happy about having to deal with it alone. If he wanted to, he had time to teleport me as well. Even still, I couldn't ignore that part of me that wasn't done with him either, my body still craved more. So I made the excuse of wanting to train more regularly with him, arguing with Steve that I needed to make the most of the time we had left even if it meant training more. Both Tony and Steve were still concerned that I would train too much again, but they accepted the argument I made.

However, the plan didn't work out because my argument was perhaps too strong. Wanda wished to train too, also wanting to get the most out of the little time left, and Steve was still concerned about me so insisted on observing. I wished to argue back on both, but it would look far too suspicious if I insisted on training alone. So I didn't bother trying. To say I was annoyed was an understatement, especially when Loki's cocky smile seemed to become more permanent. He knew why I seemed so frustrated, and he took far too much pleasure in it. I soon became grateful that other people were around as he didn't risk teasing me too much. Regardless, training seemed to drag on longer than usual, even knowing that it was the same amount of hours as usual. We went through some basics, Steve mostly asking to see our progress. My heart wasn't in it, however, and I got scolded several times by Loki because of it.

"Kaya's seiðr is stronger than ever now, but there are still some spells and tricks she is yet to come close to mastering. This isn't uncommon, from what I've been taught people with seiðr tend to be stronger in some respects and weaker in others." I rolled my eyes at him, trying very hard not to throw a bolt at him and ask how weak he thought it was.

"Like your shields." I muttered instead, failing to hide the small smile lifting the corner of my lips as he glared at me.

"And your ability to create anything, even illusions." He instantly stated back before smiling back at me. But then something seemed to click for me, realising something I never noticed.

"Do you think my shields are my strongest ability?" I asked.

"Oh undoubtedly. Even before runes your shields were extremely strong and you can cast multiple over individuals, which is very impressive." If I wasn't thinking about the implications of that so hard I would have taken more note at the pride he took.

"And your strongest in illusions and creation, right? So your strongest ability is my weakest and vice versa. Don't you think that is... important?" That caused his cocky smile to falter as he paused in thought as he considered it. Thinking about it now, I wasn't sure how either of us missed this. I was also scared about his reaction. We already knew that part of his seiðr was mine now, but the knowledge that I may have taken away seemed to be too much.

"Unsure. I would say healing is my weakest ability, not shielding. You are yet to be able to heal so perhaps the rest are a coincidence." I didn't push it further, mostly because I found comfort in trying to believe that it wasn't true, but I thought that maybe his ability to heal others would be much stronger if he trained it properly. He never had any reason to care enough to learn it, and he previously said that the healer on Asgard wouldn't work with him. Even without saying anything he seemed to pick up on my hesitance. "You don't agree?"

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