Chapter One-Hundred and Twenty-Eight

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The one thing I never wanted to hear whilst I was on Asgard was Heimdall's voice calling for me. Fortunately, I was with my father when it happened who graciously excused me. Honestly, he was being a bit too understanding about my growing absence after calling me back. For the most part I'd tried to put it down to his understanding of loving someone, for as much as I have loathed my father in the past I could never help but acknowledge just how much he loved my mother. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to explain his actions away entirely, especially when he told me to take as much time on Midgard as I needed until Kaya was ready to return. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was aware of the path our future was leading to, that he had increasingly monitored foresight around my life. It was unnerving to say the least. But I didn't have time to consider it in greater detail, not until I returned, not until I knew she was okay. The only thing that stopped me from going to the worst case scenario immediately was Heimdall's exact words.

"Prince Loki, you have been called to Midgard, but be assured that Kaya is safe." Whilst it calmed me, it left me with more questions than answers. I couldn't see why I would be called back to Midgard if she was safe. When I landed on Midgard I soon found out exactly why. For one, she wasn't in the safehouse but in the lower levels of the compound. There were only three things there: the cells, the medical unit, and Stark's workspace. I hoped she was in later but has something I wished for ever gone right?

To my dismay when I arrived at the location of her seiðr I had landed in the gleaming white room of the medical unit, facing the bed she sat on. I wished it was gratefulness I could have felt as my eyes landed on her, that I would have been happy that she was alive. But anger was all I was capable of feeling as my body completely froze up at the sight of her. A small cut curved around the bridge of her nose, surrounded by dark red blotching that circled the skin around it as well as across. Her wrist was bandaged up and hung in a sling around her that kept it steady and hard to move freely. She could have broken her wrist on her own, humans were fragile and I'd heard it happened often. However, the bruising and damage to her nose was unlikely to have been caused by a trip or fall. Especially when she would have been able to stop herself falling on reflex with her seiðr. My body finally responded again and I was able to stride over to the bed she sat on.

"Who did this to you?" Whoever it was had very numbered days. Fuck saving people, this was something that demanded retribution.

"I've advised Kaya not to talk for now due to the injuries sustained around her throat." My entire body froze up and a mixture of rage and fear gripped me. Although I radiated anger, my hands were as gentle as I could make them as I gently lifted up her chin. The shadows cast by the overhead light, combined with my attention being drawn to her other injuries first, made me miss it initially, but dark bruises stained her throat.

"What are her injuries?" I said through gritted teeth. The doctor looked at Kaya for confirmation that I could be informed to which she nodded. As she made eye contact with the doctor I noticed that she was completely avoiding eye contact with me. Her entire demeanour was on edge, shifting uncomfortably on the bed as if she couldn't keep still despite it seeming painful for her to move much. I decided to take a deep breath, hoping that at some point I could calm myself enough that she wasn't so skittish. My anger wouldn't help, especially if she was attacked. She would be scared again, panicked slightly, just as she had been immediately after the party. Even if she tried her best not to show it or dwell on it.

"She sustained a nasal fracture, that's the break in her nose, and the subsequent bruising and split to the skin there is a result of that injury. She also sustained significant contusions around her neck as you can see and some damage to her oesophagus and trachea as well as minor damage to the arteries in her neck. We had to reset her broken wrist due to the increased healing rate of her body, which has been bandaged but will need to have a cast applied. On top of that, she suffered another concussion which led to a blackout. She's been sedated during transportation but–"

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