Chapter Forty-Eight

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People were speaking around me, but it felt distant from me. Someone was calling my name, begging me to open my eyes. Another softer voice was guiding me out of the darkness as well. For a moment I thought myself dead. There was no feeling or emotion. Instead, it was entirely peaceful. Then the dull ache in my head filtered through as the light began to hurt. I groaned in pain, rolling onto my side, and noticing that my head was led on someone's lap.

"Loki..." I muttered. My mind was rushing through the memories of him fighting as I struggled to remember. Then it hit me. I bolted upright with a gasp. I had gone for a guard, and he had stopped me before knocking me out. "Shit!" I went to stand, only to be met with Thor's hand on my shoulder.

"The fight is still happening, Kaya. What happened?" The noise of the battle seemed so distant. I was with Thor and Wanda, but Loki was missing. He had been here, he had stopped me, and he knocked me out. I ignored the pain in my heart caused by yet another betrayal. I knocked Thor's arm off of me.

"Where is Loki?" Thor's brow creased in thought and Wanda said nothing. It was enough confirmation for me, but I had to check. I spoke into my comms. "Does anyone have eyes on Loki?" Silence fell across the comms until Tony swore. Nat mentioned seeing green within the building and I went to follow. Ignoring the warnings behind me, flying through the agents that surrounded the building and forcing myself through the window to the building. My shields blocked the gunfire from the agents, and I threw out a bolt of energy behind me so they would not be able to follow immediately.

I had no care about refraining from harming the agents that rushed me. Bones were snapped and screams filled the hall, as I followed the trace of Loki's seiðr deeper into the building. Soon no agents met me, this deep into the building no one was left to guard it. The eerie silence of the halls was soon filled with distant echoes of voices.

"Surely you more than anyone knows the value the girl holds. One of your agents showed me your connection to the programme that controls her." His voice cut me deeply, but I needed more information on his scheme. It was safer that way.

"What is in it for you?"

"Why freedom, of course. You are fully aware of who I am, and I believe our views align nicely." I crept closer, shielding myself so that no sounds would leak through. He must have felt my power creeping closer by now, but he made no outward acknowledgement of it. "Provide me with the words and she will fall to your organisation soon enough. It will be enough to bring down the Avengers with us at your side." I couldn't help it now, my anger threw the doors to the room open, and bolts of gold energy threw themselves against Loki's shields. He cursed at my presence but didn't make a move to take me down. I noticed he was caked in blood before my attention was split.

"тоска, коррозия, семьдесят, Сумерки, Пожар, девятнадцать, безобидный–" I had collapsed on the floor as my head felt like it was splitting in two. My energy was far too low to fight it and the pain clouded my judgement too well. Then there was a flash of light, and the man was gone along with the words. I managed to catch my breath before panic consumed me. There were only three unspoken words and Loki could have heard them in his thoughts.

"No." I whispered, finding the energy somewhere to draw my daggers.

"Kaya..." His voice was warning me, but I had no time. I needed to draw his attention away from the words he could know. I launched at him with a scream, and we settled into a dance. He wasn't holding back anymore, striking my daggers with a force I wasn't stable enough to maintain. He disarmed me with alarming ease and then knocked me to the floor. He towered over me as he pinned me down. "Kaya, listen to me." But my anger had grown from our fight as well as my panic. He yelled a warning as my next action became clear in my mind, but it was too late to stop it. I forced my hand out from his grip and pressed it to his forehead and forced him into a memory as he had to me once before. There were flashes of pain and suffering as I did. Images of a boy in the shadows, of a man overcome by jealousy. Of his skin turning blue on an icy plane and his self-hatred festering. I watched his skin turn blue and his eyes become red as he held an object just before his fight with Odin. Then I watched in flashes as he killed Laufey, his plan to destroy Jotunheim and his fight with Thor over it. I was ripped out of his memories just as I watched him dangle over the broken Bifrost, his heart breaking as he looked at his father.

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