Chapter Eighty-Four

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Fortunately, the heat wasn't too uncomfortable outside now I could cool myself with my seiðr. It wasn't long before she had led us into the treeline at the very back of the property. Eventually the trees began to thin out as I could see the glistening of water between them. A large lake stood in front of us, expanding across the land. The sunlight glistened off of the water as we came to a stop in the shadows cast by the trees. With both of us still in silence she stepped back as her golden seiðr illuminated her hand as she began to summon items out of our subspace. I smiled as I realised what she had set up, a scene not unlike the one on Asgard, albeit far more human. It tugged at my heart in a way that was foreign to me. She was watching me intently as she sat down on the light grey blanket. I joined her in silence, lost completely in my thoughts. No one had done something like this for me before, and I had no idea she had planned this at all. It was moments like these that filled me with hope. Allowed me to believe she wanted this too. Once everything was removed from the subspace she looked up at me almost shyly before beginning to organise everything in the way she envisioned. I stood back with a smile, watching as she fussed over things that didn't matter. Enjoying the way the sunlight caused her hair to shine impossibly gold, empathising the power of the stone that resided in her. Such a deep well of power in such a fragile mortal woman. There was something so refreshing about knowing someone with the power to one day destroy worlds never once hesitate about using the force for evil.

"It isn't quite the waterfall you showed me, but I could see the lake from my room. I thought the heat might make you uncomfortable so I thought a swim would help." Her voice was barely a whisper, as she focussed intently on laying out the food she brought with her. I smiled at the thought she had put into this, bringing blankets and food with her. Part of me wished she didn't tell me such sweet thoughts. It was becoming far too dangerous to be around her, breaking through to parts of me I had considered long lost. The feelings it ignited in me felt far more dangerous than the evil ones.

"It's perfect, ást. So I gather this fabric is designed for swimming then?"

A blush swept over her cheeks and she tipped her chin forward allowing her to hide behind her hair. Somehow she suddenly felt a world away from the woman who straddled my lap and got me to feel her breasts in the kitchen mere minutes ago. She suddenly became far more focussed on perfecting the way the blanket was led out on the grass underneath us. Still, as frustrated as she had made me, I clung onto the sweet nature of her plans. It helped ignore the part of me that wanted to bring her too me and fuck her right here. It was too soon, I reaffirmed to myself. Even if she told herself yesterday didn't matter, I needed to be sure that she was okay. So I sat on the now immaculately laid out blanked and led down, enjoying the way she didn't hesitate to lie beside me even if it was slightly too hot.

Soon a light breeze blew through the trees allowing my body to cool down, helping focus my thoughts. It certainly did help being out here, instead of the building. It seemed that all of the technology seemed to heighten the level of heat and cause it to be worse. She must have known such a thing and wanted to take me here knowing the water would help cool me down. Thinking about it, she seemed to know as soon as the heat hit that I would need space to keep cool. It wasn't like we explicitly had a conversation about it, she just noticed my struggle despite the pretence I had initially put up. I was beginning to understand just how dangerously perceptive this mortal was. Possessing and using the power of insight without realisation or experience. More unnerving than that, she perfectly crafted runes just from seeing them, something that took even me decades of study to begin and far more to perfect. The power of the mind stone mixing with my seiðr was far more power than a person should be able to wield. Yet here she was, holding unimaginable power and never once using it to benefit her. She could destroy planets, of this I was sure. Still, she desired no power. Instead, training and fighting to aid the Avengers in their misguided attempts to prevent other humans from harming strangers. But beyond that she was so much more. A mortal who could melt the hearts of monsters. A mortal who could make Gods wish to be by their side forever. Part of me had hoped it was the influence of the mind stone, that it was controlling me without her knowledge. Yet spending time near the synthezoid and the red witch proved this not to be the case.

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