Chapter Forty-One

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The rest of that evening was particularly miserable for me. I tried to bring myself some relief from the growing tension and desire within me but couldn't even make myself find release that night. When my vibrator actually died on me I threw it at the wall in complete frustration. Before I could help it, I found myself bursting through Loki's door somewhat noticing the weakness of the shields he kept up. I was surprised when he let me through easily. He looked tired, I realised, but clearly didn't let up how badly he needed rest. I could use that to my advantage, he would be too tired to resist his own desire. I remembered what I learnt from Asgard. He likes praise, he likes to be touched and he especially liked it when I played with his hair. He was sitting up on his sofa reading when I entered. He didn't look up, already knowing it was me, but a sly smile did spread across his lips.

"Back again so soon? I have to say I thought your stubbornness would last longer, pet. I'm almost disappointed." Choosing to ignore him so he couldn't break my resolve, I walked over to him and straddled his lap. The book vanished as I did, and his arms settled around my hips. I pressed my groin directly onto his, feeling just how hard he was through the fabric of his trousers. I pushed my hands through his hair, letting my nails scrape his skull slightly. His eyes fluttered close at the feeling, and I smiled before adding that to the list too. I pressed my lips against his but didn't allow too much pressure onto them. Keeping one arm wrapped around my hips, he moved his other upwards slightly as he pressed a hand on my lower back trying to push me into the passion he craved. But such passion would make me forget what I was here to do so I refused. Instead, I traced kisses along his neck, sucking and biting at the skin there gently.

"What game are you trying to play, pet?" He whispered, his tone giving away his desperation for me. I smiled at the needy sound of his voice and ran my tongue up his neck before whispering directly into his ear.

"I just want to please you, my prince." He groaned loudly at my words which only encouraged me more. "You've been so good to me Loki. Making me feel so good over and over again. I just want to please you, sir. As a thank you." His eyes opened as his hand moved out from my back and onto my throat. He pulled me back from his ear and looked at me with suspicion. I knew he couldn't find any lies in my words, as there technically weren't any. He had been good to me, he'd made me feel good in a way I couldn't ever imagine anyone else doing. And I did want to please him, he would feel so much pleasure from fucking me, it had been too long since he had been with anybody. Still, despite my truth he expected I was planning something. Possibly it was because I held my shields up, maybe it was because he observed me too closely over the past few months. After a moment his hand unwrapped itself from my throat and was brought to my hair, bunching itself around the strands and tugging on it slightly.

I grinded myself against him, trying to ignore the pleasure it brought me as I ran my hands under his shirt and up his body. It was firm underneath my hands and I wished in that moment I could just explore all of him. With my lips still working on his neck, I ran my fingernails lightly over his chest and abs. A groan ripped from his lips loudly as my hair was tugged and his hips bucked into mine. With my lips back to his ear I moaned softly,

"Let me taste you, sir." Another moan left him, and he tugged my hair downwards. With a smile, I pulled his shirt off and fiddled with the band of his trousers as I moved back onto the sofa. With a flash of green his trousers and underwear disappeared, clearly frustrated at the time I was taking. I paused at the sight of his length, biting my lip with hesitancy. Not wanting to lose my reserve, I ran my tongue from the base to the tip, noticing how it seemed to flinch at the contact. A moan left his lips as his hands pulled me towards his tip. I grazed my lips over it before running my tongue over the small slit in the head. He thrusted his hips forward as his hands brought my head down and he pushed himself ever so slightly into my mouth. I moaned at the feeling and swirled my tongue around the tip before moving my head further down. He was far too long to fit into my mouth completely, so I brought my hand and wrapped it around his base before moving it in sync with my movements.

Eventually, I began to push him past my gag reflex, taking my time to adjust every time. He didn't push himself further no matter how much it looked like he wanted to. I never moved my eyes off of his face. His eyes had closed and his face screwed up in pleasure as soon as he pushed into my mouth. The further I took him the more he would moan and lean his head back in pleasure. It was strangely addictive to watch him come completely undone because of me, and I realised why he enjoyed doing it so much. I could feel him throbbing against my hand and mouth and knew he was close. His shields now lowered, and I could hear the overwhelming pleasure in his thoughts. It almost sent me over the edge, his own pleasure willing me to continue. Luckily I managed to hold on to the slightest shred of my plan, and I took my mouth completely off of him at the right moment. A growl left him as I felt him throb around my hand that I kept still to make sure he wouldn't cum. When he thrust his hips against it, I removed my hand. His shields threw themselves up as his eyes flung open and the hand not in my hair went around my throat. I could understand why he enjoyed doing this so much, leaving me wanting more. His passion and frustration was extremely seductive. I felt my smile as he squeezed at my throat slightly and spoke my name in a warning.

"Beg." I stated. At my words, his hands left my throat and hair. His cold demeanour snapped back into place. A wide almost sinister smile graced his face.

"Pet. I suggest you behave and finish what you started before I punish you for your insolence." I graced a finger up his length and over his tip, noticing the small amount of cum that was leaking from him. I brought it to my mouth, never breaking eye contact as I tasted him.

"The choice is yours, my prince. You could fuck me like we both want. Or you can beg, and I will happily finish you with my mouth."

He moved so fast I couldn't predict his movements. I was pushed from the sofa and onto my knees in front of it. The bottom of it at my back and Loki standing in front of me, his cock by my mouth as he brought his hands into my hair.

"Shields." He commanded, and I instantly lowered them. I knew I'd lost the fight for control, but at that moment I couldn't care. My desire spread as he stood in front of me and I moaned softly. With a smile, he used my lips parting to push himself into me and my mouth widened instantly for him. "I am going to fuck this pretty mouth of yours until I cum now, pet. You will not touch yourself. And then once I'm done I'm going to punish you for your actions." Lost in the feeling, I tilted my head to give him easier access and curled my tongue around him in a moan. Then he did exactly that. He pushed himself down into my mouth until he hit the back of my throat. I swallowed instantly at the pressure, and it had allowed him to slip past and into my throat with a groan. I panicked slightly before remembering to breathe from my nose. I tried to focus on my breathing as he pushed himself back and forth, hitting my throat repeatedly. I found myself wanting to touch myself but needing to comply with his commands. The feeling of him in my mouth was strangely erotic even if my jaw and throat ached. I found myself willing myself to comply with his every move, moving my head to meet his thrusts. Without anyone even touching my body I found myself growing hotter at his pleasure.

My name left his lips in a deep groan, which only caused me to moan at the sound. His cock hit my throat and I swallowed again, causing it to slip past further. I felt him pulsate before he came, and I was made to swallow his cum. The feel of his cum down my throat only caused me to moan more, although I found myself wishing I could taste him properly. I was almost disappointed when he pulled out of my mouth, despite the relief from my jaw and throat.

"Good girl." He whispered as he pulled his trousers up and reached for his shirt. When he was dressed he pulled me off the floor and settled me in his lap. I squirmed, trying to get some pressure, and waiting for him to touch me. He kept me steady and tutted at me. "See you've left me with a dilemma pet. Part of me wants to bend you over my knee and spank you for your behaviour, but then another part of me wants to let you cum for taking my cock so well." His hand graced down my back and I leant into the motion, lost in my neediness. "I think I'll do neither." He gently pushed me off of his lap before picking up the book from the table and reading. I stood there dumbfounded, eventually finding my anger in the confusion.

"You can't be serious." He tutted at me.

"Pet, be thankful you aren't red and sore." I went to leave his room in a daze when his voice paused my movements. "In fact, I think I won't permit you to cum again until you beg for me to fuck you."

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