Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was an unreal feeling, to be ushered down the long corridor with people lined up on either side staring and whispering. I would have minded more if I wasn't extremely nervous at the prospect of coming in front of a literal king of an alien planet.

When we arrive in front of the steps Thor and I will kneel before the Allfather. Try to curtsy like before but as low as you can without falling. Address him as the Allfather but only when spoken to. I was grateful that Loki provided me with the instructions Thor seemed to have forgotten. My nerves lessened somewhat until the large staircase approached us. On the top stood another staircase but this one seemingly painted in gold. It led up to a large golden throne where the man I barely recognised sat. The throne curled out to both sides in an intricate pattern and two black ravens sit on either side. On the back wall, as well as either side, stood a golden window which cast in light perfectly on the throne. On the throne was Odin, dressed in black Asgardian leather, looking similar to Thor's but with the arms covered. Instead of brown elements incorporated into the suit, golden features were weaved into the fabric. I noticed two empty golden panels in the same position where Thor's cloak attached to his armour. His eyepatch was now what looked like solid gold, and his grey hair cascaded softly across his shoulders. Once we arrived at the bottom of the steps Thor and Loki knelt to one knee and I curtsied in response, trying not to be completely embarrassed at the small wobble that occurred.

"Rise." He commanded, his tone harsher and colder than he had been in my memory. "My sons, what brings you back to the palace?" I don't know why I had expected Loki to speak for us. Maybe it was because of how perfectly he seemed to fit into the cold emptiness that surrounded this room. But it was Thor that spoke up.

"Father, we come here to seek understanding of the Lady Kaya's powers. However, I wish to ask permission for us to stay for the night in order to personally see to some of my duties." There was no emotion to Odin's face, a mask falling on him in the same way it once had Loki. Then his gaze fell from Thor and onto me. I stopped breathing as he looked over me, his emotionless was completely unnerving.

"Welcome, child, to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. You may reside here during your stay." I let out the breath I had been holding in relief.

"Thank you, Allfather." I cast my head down respectfully and kept it there until he spoke again. He brought the long staff he held up and brought it back down to the floor in a commanding strike. I froze slightly, worried I had done something wrong.

"The court will leave us." Everyone in the hall left us in a hurry and I realised now was the time I should have been the most nervous. Thor placed a reassuring hand on my arm, reminding me that he would protect me if it came to it. It did not help as the doors closed leaving us alone there.

"You may relax, my child. You are welcome in my palace, no harm will come to you here." His words were surprisingly reassuring, and I noticed the gentle tone from before. "You may also speak freely when we are alone. There is no need for such formalities now." I let my body relax and brought my head up fully. As I did, Thor also relaxed. Loki, however, stiffened at his words, watching the interaction unfold with hesitancy. Odin walked over to Thor and brought him into a hug, I noticed the brief tension in his muscles as his father embraced him, but he soon settled into it.

"Father, I was surprised to see Loki was allowed to ride the Bifrost." I noticed the optimistic hope in his voice as I remembered the words of warning Odin provided him all those months ago.

He will not be permitted to use the Bifrost until the time comes that he becomes worthy. There was no way his actions could have fooled Odin.

"Worry not, my child. Loki still has a long way to go before he proves himself worthy again." I sighed in relief, seeing Thor glance at me. He must have noticed by now the tension between his brother and me, probably suspected something had happened between us. He kept quiet but I saw the resolve in his eyes. I watched as Odin walked over to Loki who visibly stiffened too.

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