Chapter Fifteen

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"Absolutely not! Have you completely lost your mind?" Stark's voice was raised in anger and disbelief. I turned to Steve, but his expression was stern and concerned. I sighed. I had expected this reaction but didn't quite know how to convince them. Hell, I had hardly convinced myself. I was instantly thankful I had asked Thor to join us as well, knowing someone was on my side helped.

"Stark he will be cuffed the entire time, he is only a danger when he can access magic, and we can make sure all the weapons are locked away. I really don't want to do this in his tiny cell."
"I don't want you doing it at all!" I rolled my eyes. I knew this would be a tough sell to him but thought that he would at least see the reason behind me having magical training with someone who knew what they were doing. Most of my training so far had been through force, inherent ability and luck. I wasn't going to improve abilities and expand them without knowing how to do it, it could be dangerous.

"I need to understand my abilities. Vision helps Wanda understand because he had the mind stone... but mine is too different to it for him to help fully. You all know that." I emphasised, casting a look towards Steve. I could see him on the verge of accepting this, the danger of my lack of control outweighing the danger Loki could possessed when he was cuffed.

"I will attend every session I can, Stark. You have my word." I smiled at Thor, grateful for his support in this. While he was happy I was giving Loki a chance, I know he was hesitant about this. He had expressed his hesitation before Steve and Stark arrived but confided that he would permit it as me gaining control would provide me with a comfort and happiness. I made a note to thank him with the hidden box of Pop Tarts he didn't know about.

"And the more power I gain, the better your project can get." That peaked his interest somewhat, his curiosity and need to perfect his device winning against his inherent distrust of everything Loki did.

"If there is even one iota of a belief that he is planning something these lessons will stop." I nodded at his demand, and he sighed before leaving to set up the guard regiment to prepare for Loki's lessons. A few seconds later a message popped up from my watch informing me that I would need to request the guards when I was ready for the lessons and that the training room will be cleared from 9am until lunch. Steve looked up at me, worry making his brows dip slightly.

"I need to gain proper control of these powers without pushing myself as far as I have been." He nodded but worry clearly still plagued him.

"Just... be careful, kid." I groaned at the use of the nickname.

"Not you too. I am 21 you know." Steve laughed, visible relaxing.

"And I'm technically 93 years old." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Biologically speaking you are like only 6 years or so older than me, Cap." He chuckled again before taking his leave. As we were left alone, I walked over to one of the dark red counters and used it to boost myself up. Thor questioned what I was doing but I hushed him as I ran my hand across the top of the cabinet in the corner. I smiled as it clicked beneath my fingers, revealing a small hidden compartment and pulled out a box of Strawberry flavoured Pop Tarts and throwing them towards him.

His infectious laughter filled the room as he walked over to the toaster to heat them all up at once as I gracefully jumped down from the counter.

"It is nice having some mischief on my side." He jested and I softly poked him with my elbow before smiling up at him.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me lately Thor. I can never repay your kindness."

"As a wise woman once said, friends do not work in favours, just kindness and a willingness to prevent life becoming difficult for the other." I smiled at his words and wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug. He willingly brought his arms around me until his Pop Tarts were done, and he hurried to grab a plate and finish them before he was caught. I laughter and the boyish smile on his face as he ate the snack and made a mental note to buy him some different flavours for him to try when he exclaimed at how delicious the Strawberry was. As he ate, I motioned on my watch to pull up a screen and began playing with my schedule. I made it so I could work out from 7am until 9am at which point I would practice with Loki until lunch. Then I would join in on team training until dinner before going to the lab with Stark. I frowned at how packed it had become again and blocked out my evening from 9pm onwards so I had time to spend either alone or with anyone I wished. Although it was so I could relax, it was partly because if I didn't manage to get through a film or album a day I would never be able to finish the list.

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