Chapter Ninety-Two

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I filled my evening with books, trying to distract myself from the pain I felt at my loneliness. It didn't help when I turned to the Shakespeare I'd taken from her room and found a photograph in the inside cover. One of the two of us by the lakeside. I quickly shut it, not able to cope with much more. Fortunately it wasn't too much longer until the shields around her room evaporated. I told myself I would reach out to her one last time, there was no trace of her energy in her room when I teleported to it. A string of curses flooded the room as panic set back in. I didn't understand how I could fail to recognise that she had left. Usually I could feel when she moved about the compound, especially if she teleported which she would have had to have done. I was monitoring the outside of her room and the shields too closely to not notice her leaving normally. Not knowing what else to do, I teleported to the lounge to try to find someone to tell. To my surprise I was greeted by loud music I vaguely recognised and an amalgamation of people around me. I stayed back in the very corner of the room, hidden away in the shadows in the way I was accustomed to doing most of my life. Stark and Romanoff sat on two armchairs close to me, both holding a drink in their hands and facing away from me. In the middle of the room, in the space where there usually stood a table and another sofa, was Kaya and Wanda. Both drinking and moving in a way I knew was considered dancing here, but not a way I was entirely used to. I tried to shut that out and focus, even if it was entirely too difficult to draw my eyes away from her body.

"The mission definitely went well?" There was worry in Stark's voice. It was unusual for Stark to express his emotions so bluntly as he usually coated everything in a veil of sarcasm. But with no one around to pretend for he spoke refreshingly plainly.

"I'm telling you, I reviewed the footage and nothing happened. She is probably just celebrating her first success. You know she has been dying to prove herself." Curious about the conversation I stayed back, keeping an eye on Kaya's movements as I listened to them talk. It was interesting the way Stark monitored her, for a man with no real powers he was extremely observant. He also cared far more than he allowed the public to know. Putting out this bravado of an uncaring billionaire who would follow his own path regardless, but underneath he wanted to protect everyone he cared for. And if there was one thing I could respect about him it was that he cared for Kaya. I'd heard whispers and thoughts, picking up on fragments throughout my time here. At night he would tinker away on the machine, running countless calculations as he attempted to figure out a way to break through Hydra's mind control. He fought against the media's perceptions of her and Wanda, trying to get them citizenship even as his own government raised barriers around it. He was valiant at his attempts to protect everyone here. Never once needing praise or gratitude.

"I'll get FRIDAY to monitor her training schedule over the next few days. I just... there is something nagging me about this." Smart man.

Romanoff shrugged nonchalantly and took a sip of her drink.

"She was raised in Russia for the most part, and then kept by a Russian organisation. I don't think one night of drinking means there is something wrong." Watching her now I knew Romanoff was wrong, and I had a feeling so did she. The spy was far too observant in her time here, and I could feel the uncertainty in her words. My eyes drifted to Kaya once more, her shields were down and underneath the buzz of the alcohol there was pain. It was all hidden by the numbing nature of liquor but the core essence of the emotion was there. I conjured my own drink before stepping forward to go towards the spare seat beside them.

"Stark is right, this isn't a celebration." Both jumped as I talked, Romanoff moving her hand to her hip and Stark raising his fists. Without looking at either of them I continued to make my way to the armchair beside Stark, keeping my eyes on Kaya. I didn't know if she noticed my presence, but she at least acted like she didn't, continuing to dance with Wanda as if nothing else outside the two of them existed. "How long has she been down here?"

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