Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I woke up feeling disorientated and groggy. There was a dull ache in my head and my mouth was unbearably dry. Usually when I brought people back to my place they didn't leave before I woke up. I vaguely remembered bringing home a blonde and just assumed she decided to leave when I was asleep. It certainly made my life easier. I was still in the long-sleeved black dress I had worn the night before and my back ached where I hadn't even taken my bra off. I grabbed the glass of water I'd thankfully remembered to leave at my bedside and downed it before getting ready for the day. It took me an hour to shower and throw on some longue wear before making my way across to my kitchenette. My head ached from the alcohol I'd had, and I longed to numb it with more. To my surprise there was none left. With a sigh I resolved myself to going to breakfast, annoyed that I'd have to sit through this hangover for the day. My annoyance only grew when I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. Tony was going off again about something. Honestly that man needed to take a Xanax or something before he had a heart attack. I sat at the booth in the only space available, grabbing a piece of fruit I hoped I could keep down. Loki had sat next to me, but I was in too much pain to care about avoiding him right now. A green light caused me to jump as a tea appeared in front of me. I looked at him scared and he just rolled his deep emerald eyes at me.

"Wait why is the bracelet failing?" I gazed up at Tony in confusion and everyone just looked at me like I was losing it. It was Steve who decided to explain.

"Kid the settings got lowered three weeks ago. You were at that meeting." I tried to remember but this entire month was just a haze. I mumbled some excuse about being tired that no one bought and picked up the tea.

I savoured the foreign taste, not being able to place the exact flowers and herbs used but relishing in the instant relief it brought. It eased the headache and helped me focus. More than that I felt more relaxed after it than I had since Asgard. It was almost the same as the tea he gave me following my nightmare, but that had been infused with magic. When I was done another cup appeared in front of me and I noticed the small smile that fell over his lips as I sipped at it. Had we been alone this would have almost been peaceful and sweet. But as the tea worked I was able to focus more on the conversation at hand.

"It doesn't matter how it got leaked Tony, the damage is done. We have to inform the public he is under our watch now before this gets out of hand."

"And how do you suggest we do that, Cap? Call a press conference and tell them oh yeah we are keeping a mass murderer here but don't worry he says he's changed!" I froze as I realised they were talking about Loki.

"Okay hang on can we go back please? What happened?" Tony sighed and finally took a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen island. A screen flashed open in front of me and a girl who looked vaguely recognisable appeared. I read through the article and realised that it was a journalised who broke the news that Loki was being kept freely in the Avengers Compound. A memory flooded back to me of a woman screeching as Loki walked into my room before fleeing out of the building.

"Ah shit." I let it slip before I could stop myself.

I took a deep breath before speaking, knowing that the inevitable onslaught from Tony would soon come. Everyone's eyes seemed to be on me, and I was somewhat thankful Wanda and Vision were missing from this breakfast.

"In my defence I didn't know she was a journalist." Steve groaned and leant back, a tiredness falling over his face. Tony jumped off of his barstool and threw his hands up in anger.

"Are you insane? Hydra puts a bounty on your head, and you just bring someone in here unvetted?"

"I did exactly have much time to vet them Tony!"

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