Chapter Eighteen

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His hands were in my hair and his lips met mine with a ferocity before the elevator doors could even close again. The gentleness I had come to known was all but gone as he gave into a passion that consumed him. It felt like he had been craving this for a long time, not necessarily with me, but in general. I certainly welcomed the passion, as a heat began to spread over my skin. I was realising that I had also been craving this without realising. I met his passion with equal demand, my hands running over his curved, muscular back. He placed his hands on my hips and picked me up with complete ease. In response, I wrapped my legs around him. He was began walking towards his room as he kissed me. We laughed softly as my back hit the door and he fumbled with the lock. With a flick of my wrist, I unlocked it with my magic and made sure to open the door to his bedroom as well. Without another word he carried me towards his bed. I noticed the softness of the mattress under me briefly before his body led down on me, putting some pressure between my legs. I moaned in delight as I felt how hard he was through his jeans. I all but ripped his t-shirt off of him, our lips separating only to tug it over his head. Then I just let myself explore his body with his hands, marvelling in how firm his body felt. I pushed him back to unclip my bra and remove it from beneath my shirt. At the same time, he made quick work at removing his jeans. I swallowed as I looked at the sight of him in boxers, noticing how large he was through the fabric. Eventually, my eyes lifted to meet his and I noticed a small hesitancy in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" He was panting as I spoke in a low sultry tone, and I almost moaned at the sound. Not trusting myself to be able to speak properly I nodded eagerly as I reached for the button to my jeans.

Before I could pull them off, he pushed me back gently before meeting my lips again with the same demanding passion as before. He used one hand to start pulling my jeans down and I aided him, forcing my underwear down with them. He groaned as his hand ran up my thigh and met no fabric. I pulled my shirt up, revealing my breasts and tugged him downwards so our chests were pressed together. His finger glided across my slit before resting on an extremely sensitive spot. I moaned and bucked underneath him as he slowly rubbed my clit in small circular motions. His lips moved off of mine as I began to build extremely quickly beneath him. My eyes flew opened as I felt his tongue over one of my nipples before he wrapped his lips over it and sucked. The simple motion caused the warm sensations over my skin to explode, and I felt it at my very core. The dual sensation of his mouth on my nipple and his finger on my clit caused me to come completely undone in an instant. I moaned his name loudly as I came underneath him. When I opened my eyes again I saw his face above mine, a hunger in his bright blue eyes. His lips were against mine again as he roughly kissed me. My mouth moulded to his as I gave into the kiss completely, unable to put much force into my lips as I came down from my high.

His lips moved across my neck, kissing, and licking the skin as he worked his way lower down by body. His facial hair grazed against my skin, and he worked his was across my breasts and down my stomach. I tightened my muscles in anticipation as I realised what he was planning. His hands gently parted my legs. I squirmed beneath him, my eyes closing and waiting for the inevitable wave of pleasure with soft moans. His fingers grazed against my pussy before he parted my sex. A deep moan left his lips causing me to buckle slightly at the sound. Then his tongue found my clit and I instantly moaned at the sensation. His arms wrapped around the top of my thighs, holding me in place slightly raised from the mattress as his tongue danced across my clit. The grip meant I couldn't move away from the sensation, forced to experience every wave of pleasure. My hands found his long blonde hair and I buried then in it. Not thinking straight, I tugged at his hair slightly when the pleasure became too much, only to push him back when he decreased the speed or pressure.

"Oh my God!" I moaned as I began to build again. I could feel the smile he donned against me, his facial hair moving across my pussy causing me to groan out in pleasure. He removed his hands from around my thighs before repositioning one arm in-between my thighs, making sure I couldn't close them to lessen the pleasure. I felt one of his fingers brush against my entrance before he slipped it into me. I bucked my hips instantly as a louder moan filled the air around us. He began pumping his finger in and out of me slowly. I felt myself tighten around him as waves of pleasure washed over me. I could feel myself climbing again as he pushed another finger into me. I practically yelled his name as he did and then his fingers found a sensitive spot within me, and I came hard, his name on my lips as ecstasy washed over me.

He gently worked me through my second orgasm before moving back up my body and kissing me ferociously. I moaned as I tasted myself on his tongue as he kissed me. Then I felt his cock rub against my slit and broke the kiss as I threw my head back in pleasure. He repositioned himself over me so that all his weight was on his left arm as he grabbed himself with his right hand. He paused for a moment, before stroking it against me once more.

"Please Thor. Please." I begged obscenely. My passion took over me and I gave into my base carnal instincts as I bucked my hips against him. His cock was right at my entrance, and I moaned for him to fuck me. Once I had, he began to push slowly into me. I felt some resistance from my pussy as it had been so long since I had anything in it, but my wetness has eased the pain I felt. His other hand pinched my left nipple as he began to push himself inch by inch into me. His moans joined mine as he did. Soon I had his full length inside of me and he held me there for a brief minute. Desperate to feel more pleasure I bucked my hips against him, instantly moaning as he hit a spot deep within me.

"Gods Kaya." Thor hissed in my ear. It was enough to get what I want, as he slowly eased out of me around halfway before moving back into me. Eventually his thrusts began to pick up their pace as he lost himself to the pleasure. I opened my eyes to study his face. His eyes were screwed tight in passion and his lips were open as he panted. Pleasure on his face was beautiful, I realised. I brought my hands back into his hair and brought his face down onto mine, kissing him as he pounded harder into me. As my tongue grazed mine his thrusts began to quicken, and he pulled out less and less each time. Noticing he was about to come, I separated our lips and placed my mouth near his ear.

"Oh god, Thor!" I cried out and it triggered his release. He came into me and moaned my name as he did. It was incredibly hot to watch the look of ecstasy on his face as he did.

He pulled out from me and led half on top of me in exhaustion. My panting joined his as he brushed his fingers gently up and down my side. I pulled my crop top back down over my tits and cuddled up into his side. A look of worry spread across his tired face, and I assured his silent concerns by informing him that I was on contraceptive. He mumbled something before drifting off to sleep beside me. I smiled at him, noticing how tightly he held on to me as he did. Eventually, I allowed myself to relax beside him and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. When I awoke I was slightly confused at the brightly designed room. It was instantly clear it was not mine. Firstly, everything was white and golden as opposed to the black décor I was accustomed to. Secondly, I noticed Thor's Mjølnir stood on the bed stand. A blush crept over my cheeks as I remembered last night. As I began to move slightly, I finally noticed large arms wrapped around me. I managed to squeeze my way out of them but woke Thor in the process. He immediately jumped up, covering himself in the process. I laughed but became grateful that I kept my shirt on. Whilst he sat their processing last night himself, I hurriedly put the rest of my clothes on. I was instantly grateful to live across the hall, dreading the idea of ever having to do the walk of shame through the compound. Once I was dressed, Thor cleared his throat.

"Lady Kaya, I apologise for my actions last night. I–"

"Thor, it's okay." I stepped in to reassure him. He frowned in response, and I suddenly became extremely insecure at his regret.

"Kaya, I do not wish to lose your friendship. I have begun to hold you dear to my heart." I smiled softly at him.

"Thor this doesn't have to affect our friendship at all. If you never want to talk about this again it will be fine with me, and you could consider it forgotten. For what it is worth I enjoyed myself immensely last night." His head snapped up to me in surprise, and I realised in that moment that it wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed last night. Instead, he thought I would cease to be his friend over his actions. I wondered briefly if that had ever happened to him before, he seemed confused by the prospect that people would do this without either courting him or devising some scheme. "Think it over, but if you ever wished to sleep with me again I would be very willing." With that said, I stepped out of the room and got ready for my training, cursing at how late I was.

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