Chapter Sixty-Two

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So many emotions overwhelmed me in the moment. His words touched me deep inside, threatening to destroy the walls I had built around my heart in my time with him. I no longer felt able to force myself to ignore them, nor to convince myself not to trust him. And it terrified me. Because it wasn't safe. Feeling deeper emotions for him wasn't safe. Instead, I continued to do the only thing I could. I kissed him with the emotions I couldn't ever speak. Never would I be able to tell him that I was beginning to fall for him, that I was quickly developing deeper feelings. Had I ever told him he would run. I kissed him with the passionate emotions I held, clinging myself to him desperately as if he would disappear at any moment. Because one day he would disappear, I was sure of it. Whether it would be my age, or him tiring of me, it will end. One day he will no longer be by my side, and it would kill me. All that was left to do was to hold on to him as long as I could without falling completely in love with him. I threaded my hands through his raven-black hair and pulled him firmer to me, needing to be impossibly close to him. He met my movements with equal force, hands groping my body firmly and holding me to him. His lips began to try to overpower mine in the way that usually left me desiring to submit to him. Having him make the decisions for me was comforting and safe. However, today I needed the control. For one night I needed to feel like I held power over him. That he was mine.

So, instead, I didn't allow for a moment for him to take control over me. A deep sound left my throat, almost like a growl, and I brought his bottom lip between my teeth. I bit and tugged it hard, enjoying the moan he gave in response. When our lips met again he seemed to know what I needed. The pressure of his lips lowered as he allowed me to lead the kiss. His lips melded to mine as my tongue slipped into his mouth, my hands gripped his head and held him against me. We moved as we kissed, finding our way through the door to his bedroom with ease. The kiss only broke for the brief moments we took our shirts off and fiddled with our trousers. Each time our lips left each other our shallow pants filled the room, the blacks of his eyes had widened with arousal. We stood naked in front of each other at the edge of his bed when I pushed him back onto it. For a brief moment I took in the sight of him naked, his white skin a complete contrast to his black satin sheets. He leant up on his elbows and looked over me in a similar way, his eyes lingering on my breasts and hips. His lips parted slightly as he looked at me, and it drove me insane how he looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on. It was completely hypnotic. Almost hurriedly, I crawled onto the bed and settled over his lap, hovering my groin above his hardened cock to avoid contact. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off on fucking him if I had, and I needed this to last longer.

My lips found his neck with ease, and I bit down on the skin before sucking it into my mouth as hard as I could. He groaned beneath me, his hands finding my body, one hand squeezing my ass and the other groping my breast. The harder I sucked on his neck, the rougher his movements would be, his hips beginning to move to try to meet me. My lips left his neck, running my tongue over the surprisingly dark mark I had managed to leave. I suspected he somehow helped me leave it, I knew his skin was harder to mark than human skin.

"Stay still." I hissed at him, moving his hands off of my body and putting them over his hand, pinning them to the mattress. To my surprise, he groaned louder, tugging softly against my hands. Had he wanted to, he could easily break the hold I held him in, but he was enjoying this more than he let on. More than I think he realised he would. I hummed as I thought, before throwing my hand out and a flash of gold energy settling around his wrists, binding them in place and holding them to the mattress.

"Kaya..." His voice was a breathy moan, a needy sigh following as he gazed up at me, his eyes wide. The lack of control was unnerving him, but turned him on all the same. It was clearly new for him, and being able to give a first to him? Well, it felt like Christmas to me. I held myself still above him as he got used to the feeling, knowing it can incite panic at first.

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