Chapter Fifty-Nine

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As I gazed up at him, I found myself lost in his beauty. His raven hair curled around his face, several sections falling across it as well, perfectly contrasting the porcelain skin beneath. The dim light from the lampshade cast shadows across the sharp chiselled features of his face. There were so many things about him in this moment that undid me. The way his tongue darted across his lips quickly, or the way his toned muscles stood out on his lean body. But as always it was the mixture of deep intoxicating greens that swirled around his dilated pupils that hypnotised me. They bore into mine with unbridled passion that dissipated my nerves. I don't think I could have looked away if I tried. His look empowered me, filled me with such confidence that I no longer worried about my nudity, nor about my desire for pain. I rose on my knees slightly and rested my hands on his thighs.

"Please punish me, my prince. I want you to punish me and then use me for your own pleasure." His mask settled across his face, leaving the room in silence for a brief moment. It was long enough for slight doubts to creep in, but not too long that they festered.

"Lean over the arm of the sofa." Regardless of my creeping embarrassment, I followed his order without hesitancy. Trying not to focus on how exposed I was through the dainty lace underwear I had chosen. There was a worrying silence before his hand graced my lower back. I couldn't help but jump at the sudden contact, not hearing him move from the armchair but also not feeling him use seiðr to move. "How many lashes do you think you deserve for your transgression, pet?"

I was surprised at his question, expecting him to decide on my behalf. Still, I felt like there was a wrong and right answer and I desired to get it right. I thought back to the first time he had spanked me, giving me twenty for cuming without permission. This time I'd disobeyed him four times because I wanted to be punished. However, I was still pretty sore by the end of twenty and didn't want to push it too far.

"Thirty." I whispered, confident that I could handle five more slaps on each cheek without pushing myself too far. He didn't indicate that I had chosen correctly. Instead, he just slowly pushed the fabric of the chemise up to my waist before slipping his fingers into the band of my underwear.

"I heard your thoughts that I would rip this delicate fabric off of your body. And trust me whilst I would love to do so, I think this particular garment needs to be kept for the future." I smiled slightly, the motion concealed by the cushion of the sofa. Slowly, he pulled my underwear down, letting them fall by my ankles and exposing me to him. I was surprised that he didn't keep the silence up, a groan filling the air as he ran his fingers up my legs. He muttered a foreign word which sounded like a curse before running a finger up my sex. His hand then left my body for a moment before I heard the sound of his tongue and another groan. I squirmed slightly as I realised what he had done, desire rising higher within me.

Then the first strike rang out, almost echoing in the quiet room. I couldn't help but loudly moan when he finally struck me. It sparked a wave of pleasure in me, and I could feel myself beginning to throb. There was a long pause before the second strike, the anticipation and excitement causing another loud moan to fill the room as he did.

"Remember to count pet, you wouldn't want me to add any more lashes right now." I groaned slightly at his words, for a moment my desire overcoming the logical part of me. He laughed deeply in response, commanding me to count my need to obey him winning in the moment. The strikes continued without little interruption, him waiting for me to count each one which sometimes was for a while as I became overwhelmed by the increasing pain and pleasure. Still, by the time the thirtieth strike hit I was dripping wet, craving him completely and explicitly projecting such thoughts to him without a care.

"Fuck Kaya, you really make it difficult to complete punishments when you do that." The lust in his voice was thick, his voice deep and breathless as he ran his hand lightly over my ass. "Especially when you are like this. Exposed, red and dripping for me." To empathise his point, the ran two fingers up my sex again, making it abundantly clear just how wet I was as his fingers found my skin. He brought them up higher, lightly running over my ass. Unable to help myself, I pushed back into him, and he laughed lightly at my movements. I couldn't help myself but think about him fucking me there as he slipped the tip of his finger into me. He groaned animalistically at my thoughts, pumping his finger slowly.

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