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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖘 997 in Narnia, as the brave King Archer Zyanya rebelled against the White Witch

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖘 997 in Narnia, as the brave King Archer Zyanya rebelled against the White Witch. Her rule over not only Narnia, but also his lands.

He was a righteous and fair leader. He and his Queen treated their people with kindness and the favor was returned with the loyalty from their people.

However, King Archer believed he could be a better king. Because of Jadis' grip over his lands, an eternal winter fell upon the country, cursing the land's crops and animals. The winter forced even the darkest colors to turn into a glittery, bright, white. The cold was unbearable and forced the people to stay inside to keep warm. All happiness was blown away into the harsh winds of the unbearable cold.

Until King Archer decided it was time to rebel against Jadis. After almost a century of eternal winter, he wanted to take back his lands not only for his people, but for his dear daughters.

The king's daughter, Phoenix and Phoebe, were born into the world only knowing snow and clouds. His dream was for one day his daughters to see what he never got to, even if he didn't experience it himself.

Rounding up the troops, he said his final goodbye to his family. They planned to storm her castle at nightfall, hoping the element of surprise would give them the upper hand.

"Oh, please make it back to us," His wife, Bellatrix, pleaded into his ear.

With a chuckle he pulled away from his wife. "Of course I will, my love." His hands held her face as he gazed into her hazel eyes.

The two pulled away from each other and his youngest daughter, Phoebe, jumped into his arms. She was at the age where she didn't fully understand war or goodbyes. All the small girl thought was that her father was going away for a little bit.

Her fur hat fell down into her eyes, tickling her nose. Her father pushed up her hat with a short laugh, "I will miss you a lot, my little Bell."

"I'll miss you too, Papa." Her tiny arms wrapped around her father's neck as she buried her red nose into his neck. He petted his daughters golden locks, her fur hat tipping off her head.

Setting her back down on the ground, he turned to his eldest daughter. Her face held a stoic expression as she did not wish to see her father leave. He gave his daughter a cheesy grin. A slight smile flickered onto Phoenix's face.

"I got you something, Fire." Pulling a box from out of his pocket she tilted her head in confusion.

"What is it, Papa?"

"Something I know you'll like..." Opening up the box, it revealed a dark red tiny dragon. It had stubbly spikes going up its back and short wings sprouting out of its upper back. The creature was very timid looking as it was curled up in a corner. Its beady eyes blow wide and held fear.

Phoenix gasped. She held her hand out to the creature that couldn't have been any bigger than her hand. She whispered reassurance to the creature and it climbed cautiously up her hand. The tiny dragon shivered and crawled up her arm and into her black hair for warmth. Phoenix and her father laughed as the dragon poked his head out from her hair.

"Thank you, Father! What is it's name?"

"His name is Jax." Phoenix threw her arms around her father.

"Thank you," She whispered into his ear.

"Your welcome, Fire. Don't make too much trouble for your Mother now. When I get back we can do a bit of sparring."

She pulled away from the embrace, "You promise? Because I've gotten a lot better."

"I bet you have." Then he moved on to his nephew, who lived with them due to Jadis and her army. Her wrath caused the boy to lose his family far too early. 

He placed a comforting on the 13 year old boy's shoulder. "You take care of them for me."

"I will do right by you, Uncle." The raven haired teen insured.

"I know you will."

He walked over to his stead and climbed on. "I will be back before you know it." His eyes observed his family, trying to remember everything about them.

His wife, a woman he loved dearly, held her head up. Her hair done up nicely and her eyes sparkled in comparison to the thick snow. A tiny hand clung onto her blue, decorative dress.

His daughter with long blonde locks. Her face held the most innocence he had ever had the pleasure to witness. Her blues sparkling like the sea, her hand waving frantically at him.

Next was Phoenix, she held herself up high and with much pride. He knew that one day she would help him lead entire armies and win battles. Much to her Mother's dismay might he add. Her new friend resting silently on her shoulder. Her face returned back into a stoic expression. Her will to not express feelings returning.

And lastly was his nephew. The boy he had taken in as his son after the passing of his sister and brother-in-law. He trusted the shy boy to watch over his family during his departure. A promise he knew he would keep.

Turning his stead around, he said his final goodbye. Phoenix glanced to the side before she took off after her father.

"Phoenix!" Her Mother called after her.

"Pa!" Jax claws tucked into her thick coat as to try to stay on her shoulder. The tiny being grumbled, scrambling to stay on.

The king turned his head to see his daughter following him. "I will be back in a fortnight, Fire. I promise." With that he snapped the reins to quicken the speed of his horse.

The girl stopped, watching the thick snow get kicked up. Destroying the once flat sheet of glistening snow. She believed her Father's words. He would return back to them, he promised.


See if every story had a happy ending the king would have returned home. Back to his family. Back to his people. Back to his home. But this story does not have a happy ending.

All that returned back to the castle the next day was a handful of soldiers and the king's sword.

After that, Phoenix vowed to make sure her Father didn't die in vain. She vowed she would help take down the White Witch. Little did she know her cousin made a vow as well. He vowed to protect his family as his Uncle would have. In order to honor is heroic sacrifice.


𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 - 1112

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕬𝖌𝖊, edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now