Sapces (Request)

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I looked up at the beautiful man I called my boyfriend. I smiled as I approached him, restraining myself from running to jump into his arms.

As soon as I got there and went to hug him, he took a step back. My eyes widened. Oh no.

"H-Harry?", I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I can't do this anymore, Suha", he said.

"W-what do you mean?", I asked, as my heart slowly shattered. Yet, I was convincing myself it was a joke and nothing more.

"I can't be in a relationship with you anymore. I don't love you", he said.

I had no words as tried to hold back the tears.


"Aren't you going to say something?", he asked, concerned- feigning it, obviously.

"Yeah. Go to hell", I said and turned around to run towards my car.

I climbed into the driver's seat and finally let the tears down.

I let out a whimper, as angry tears fell down my cheeks. I was so angry with myself. He wasn't worth my tears, but I loved him so.

I screamed and through my phone, to hear it crack against the window.

I put my feet on the pedal and took off from the parking lot.

I couldn't bare to be here for even a second more. He hurt me so much.

I whimpered again. I was sobbing, and that's when I realised I didn't see the dead end and hit on the wall, smashing my head in to the wheel. Yet the last thing I thought about was him. I loved him.



Dedicated to @suhafarzeen

It's a little too short, I'm sorry about that but I had to make it quick 'cause I have exams and all. I really do hope you like it! It's not the best but if you want I can always write another one for you.
I do hope it was somewhere near your expectations and I'm sorry if it wasn't

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Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now