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I took another drag of the weed, as I laughed with my group of friends.

"Let's get on the damn dance floor, babe!", I slurred to my girlfriend.

I stood up and pulled her with me.

"Babe, since when do you dance?", my girlfriend slurred at me. I laughed.

"Since I broke up with him!", I yelled over the music and just as I said that, I saw a figure come through the front door. Suddenly all the people around me dissolved, it was just me and him. God, he looked beautiful. He looked up and suddenly I was back in the room stuffed with people. People were literally having sex on the stage. My girlfriend wrapped her arms around my neck, my attention back to hers. I laughed as we both danced.

I looked over her shoulder to see him staring at me.

"Baby? I am gonna get a drink for us!", I yelled, she nodded and I went to the bar.

"Hi", someone slurred as I ordered my drinks.

I turned to see him.

"Hey", I slurred, grinning at him.

"You- have you been smoking?", he gasped.

I nodded and pulled him. "Weed", I whispered in his ear seductively. He shivered under my touch.

I looked for my girlfriend, who looked back at me and called her over to me.

She stood next to me in two minutes and kissed my lips.

"This my girlfriend, June. June this is my ex, Harry", I introduced them.

"You have a girlfriend now?"

"I told you I was bisexual. And I mean you were the one who cheated so I broke it off", I shrugged.

"And get fucking high on weed and all that crap?", he asked.

"I had to keep you off my mind. No better way than this", I grinned.

"Don't destroy yourself", he muttered to himself, but I heard him.

"I already did", I shrugged. I was getting sober by the minute. The effect wearing off.

"Let me take you home", Harry said.

"Harry, I am here with my girlfriend", I said.

"She doesn't fucking care! She was humping another girl just two minutes back!", he yelled at me. Sure enough she had left to dance again, and was humping another girl.

"Maybe that'd what I deserve", I smiled.

"No. You deserve a lot better."

"I don't. Please leave."

"But baby-"

"Please don't call me that, Harry."

"I can and I will."

"Please go away."

"I won't."

"Then I will, fucking hell!", I yelled, grabbing my purse, taking my stash of weed and leaving the club.

I was out on the street, trying to get out of here. I looked around, the roads were practically empty by now.

I sighed, and started walking.

I heard footsteps from behind me, so slowly I picked up my speed. The footsteps got louder, which only made run.

Someone gripped my arm and I was pulled to whoever it was.

"Would you fucking stop running away from me!?", Harry yelled.

"No! No! I won't! If it means I can get away from you, then I won't stop!"

"It won't matter! I would still be there!"

"I don't care you bastard!"

"Oh but you do! Otherwise you wouldn't be in a club getting high!"

"It's my life, for fucks sake I will live it the way I want to! So please let me go!"

"Where will you go? It's past fucking midnight! How are you going to go home?"

"I am going to take her home", I heard her- June- say.

Harry let go of my arm and I ran into June's open arms.

"I- I am sorry, baby. I was high back there. I didn't realise what I was doing. I was trying to find you when I realised the girl wasn't you", June said and I mumbled "it's okay".

"You're letting her go? You broke up with me!", Harry said.

"You weren't the least bit guilty about it", I said.

"Y/N", Harry said.


"Can you come here?"

I nodded and walked over to him.

"I am sorry", he said kissing my hair. I nodded. I walked back to June. And that was the last I saw of Harry Styles.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading!

S. x

Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now