This (Request)

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I woke up to the sound of my front door banging. I ran down stairs and opened it.

"Tatiana, you have to see this", Charlie, my best friend rushed.

"What? What are you talking about? I just woke up, Charlie", I replied.

"Yeah well, this is important."

"Okay? What is it?"

"It's Harry. He- he has been spending a lot of time with some girl named Naomi", Charlie hesitated.

"You must have gotten some other Harry, Charlie. My Harry will never cheat on me."

"Trust me, I thought so too. But I saw him with my own eyes kissing thst girl."

"This is not happening! You're lying! Please tell me this some kind of a joke", I said as I started to well up.

"I-I wish it was. I have their picture", she said as she took out her phone and showed me their picture.

It was Harry- no doubt. He was holding the girl so tightly and kissing her.

I fell on my knees immediately.

"Tatiana! I'm home!", I heard a voice.

"I should go", Charlie said but I didn't respond. I was so shocked. So utterly shocked that I could not even comprehend what to say.

"Tatiana? What's wrong?"

I looked up to see his confused face.

And that did it, "YOU FUCKING JERK!"

"What the hell? What's this all about?"

"Oh no. Don't you dare try and get out of this. Late work and early shifts, I should've seen this coming.

"You're such a fucking cheat, don't ever come back here! When did this start? When was it that you lost interest in me?"

"A month ago."



"Don't babe me, Harry. Just leave. I don't even want to know why you did this."

"Tatiana- I can make it up to you. Please don't do this."

"Harry, do you hear yourself? You are asking me to forgive someone who cheated. I'm never going to forgive you. Don't waste your damn worthless apology and get out."


"GET OUT!", I yell.

He looks at me with one last sad look and leaves.

I fall on the couch and start crying. How I thought it was all perfect. I was so stupid.



Dedicated to @1Dforever_1Direction

I'm sorry this took so long!  hope it was good and you enjoyed it.

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Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now